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Unread 31-05-2007, 18:22   #1
Join Date: Feb 2006
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Posts: 78
Default Paris extends its ticketing options

The Paris region already has integrated ticketing when it comes to weekly, monthly and yearly tickets, but up until now the standard "ticket-T" was valid for only one transport mode (metro/bus/tram/RER) at a time. On buses and trams the ticket-T is valid for only one trip, i.e. no transfer possible. The new "ticket-T+" is a stepping stone to better integrated transport.

From http://tf1.lci.fr/infos/economie/arg...bus-tram-.html

Translation from French:
From the 1st of July, commuters will be able to take any bus or tram for 90 minutes with a single ticket costing E1.50 each.

The ticket exists already in many French cities, such as Marseilles. And from July 1st, in Paris and all of Ile-de-France. The ticket, baptised T+, will allow all commuters in the Ile-de-France region to change between bus and tram as often as they wish for 1hr 30 mins, and was announced on Tuesday by the Green party. The measure, issued from a Green Party budget ammendment at the Ile-de-France Regional council, will be officially adopted by the the administrative council of the STIF, the regional transport authority, on the 6th June.

The T+ ticket will be valid for travel for each validation made within 90 minutes of the first validation, regardless of the number of buses or trams taken. It will not, however, be valid on special bus services such as the night bus. The T+ ticket will replace the current T ticket and will be sold for E1.50 each and for E11.10 for a pack of ten, following the proposed price increase on July 1st.
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Unread 31-05-2007, 20:31   #2
Colm Donoghue
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Default transfer 90

while in Dublin, the transfer 90 ticket is two euros and only works on 2 busses...

no train or trams....
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Unread 02-06-2007, 23:36   #3
alek smart
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Good to see the RATP taking a leaf out of Bus Atha Cliath`s book for a change
Poor oul Colmd must be buying his T90`s off a tout......

Although I concede that the requirement to purchase a value-pack of T90`s for €17 does considerably reduce their appeal to the off the cuff traveller.

IMO The T90 should be the STANDARD Bus ticket available from vending Machines et al for €1.50.
It`s 90 min validity could be extended to 100 mins but even without that it represents great value.
Remember ColmD its valid for 90 Mins from first validation on an unlimited number of buses and this does allow some VERY reasonable commuting if one watches the time.

However,given that the hugely qualified senior administrators in the Dept of Transport have been incubating Bus Atha Cliaths new Licence applications since October 2006 (FFS) the chances of them approving any more Customer Friendly enhancements are NIL,cos it might upset somebody in Brussels or somewhere....
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Unread 04-06-2007, 17:23   #4
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Originally Posted by alek smart View Post
Although I concede that the requirement to purchase a value-pack of T90`s for €17 does considerably reduce their appeal to the off the cuff traveller.

IMO The T90 should be the STANDARD Bus ticket available from vending Machines et al for €1.50.
It`s 90 min validity could be extended to 100 mins but even without that it represents great value.
Remember ColmD its valid for 90 Mins from first validation on an unlimited number of buses and this does allow some VERY reasonable commuting if one watches the time.
There used to be a machine at the airport selling single Travel 90s. This was even after the shops stopped selling them in less than 10 packs.
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Unread 05-06-2007, 11:20   #5
Colm Donoghue
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Well, I'm only repeating what those kind boyo's at Dublin Bus tell me here.

I can't be expected to assume they are wrong all the time, unlike Irish rail.

Next you'll be telling me the airlink doesn't cost a fiver and the 748 actually serves busarus at the 748 busstop... even though the drivers there on Friday told me the 748 doesn't serve busarus.
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Unread 05-06-2007, 22:24   #6
alek smart
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Oh just go to.....


for a more accurate picture of things........Although Colm has drawn attention to the fate of the poor fellow who wrote that other stuff way back in 2002.....He`s still in there ....somewhere !
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