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Unread 13-06-2006, 10:46   #1
Thomas J Stamp
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Default Two bits on Joe Duffy yesterday

Firstly, lots of people mentioning the fact that LUAS, DART, BAC up to their usual in bringing everyone into Dublin for the EAGLES/METALICA (why am i doing that in capitals, I shouldnt be so rude.....) and then leaving everyone stranded afterwards. DART brought everyone into Connolly no LUAS to bring people out to the Red Cow where they had parked their cars.

Someone who rang up even mentioned T21 and integration!!

Secondly, a sad story of the DART driver who saw four scuicides and suffered a heart atatck because of it, and died himself from stress. Tony Tobin rounded off the programme with description of other drivers who have seen three and more events along the same lines.

Joe Duffy rather tactlessly asked the drivers widow what did she think of the way the train drivers were "vilified" during the strike. Now, why would he be asking her that?
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Unread 13-06-2006, 10:51   #2
Mark Gleeson
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Strangely there were special trains as follows on Friday

00:05 Dundalk (busy)
00:07 Howth
00:10 Bray (I was aboard, empty 100 on a 8 coach)
00:15 Maynooth (busy)
00:30 Cork/Limerick (Fri/Sat/Sun)

I can't fault that, I can fault not bring told in time but the trains did run

Last Luas should be 00:30 Fri and Sat, most of the stick seems to directed at the RPA and Connex who failed to provide Luas services for reasons unknown, Irish Rail had not problem lugging them back in

The suicide piece is heart breaking, but the piece didn't blame IE. There is a counselling program and if the driver doesn't want to drive again there are options for a desk based or as a supervisor job. Its a part of the job and there is little anyone can do to prevent it

Last edited by Mark Gleeson : 13-06-2006 at 11:32.
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Unread 13-06-2006, 11:31   #3
Thomas J Stamp
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I think it was more aimed at LUAs and BAc than IE. I think the concerts were on Sunday?
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Unread 13-06-2006, 17:23   #4
Colm Donoghue
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On my way to Connolly on Friday night, there was a luas connolybound stuck behind traffic on beresford place/Abbey st area. Traffic was gridlocked all up Gardner st.
There was about 2 luasloads waiting in Connolly luas.

The auld late train was the business. I never saw Connolly a busy train wise, What chances getting it aon a more regular occourance?
What chance even getting it to show on the journey planner?
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Unread 13-06-2006, 17:54   #5
Mark Gleeson
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All the trains were shown on the journey planner, I have the printout for the 00:10 to Bray
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Unread 13-06-2006, 20:58   #6
Derek Wheeler
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Some clarity.

I heard the Jooooooooooeeeeeeee Dufffyyy-eh show. I always listen as its tops for ranting and raving by joe Public in relation to public transport. You never know what you might hear. Anyway, my point is this. IE laid on late night trains to all commuter destinations, except the Kildare line, on Friday Night for the Robbie Williams concert. They made no effort whatsoever for any other concert. I was in the Ballsbridge area on Sunday night, picking my son up from Metallica. Both concert groups converged on the area at similar times and it was bedlam. DART customers had some chance, but as for the rest, not a hope. So the question is, why the RW gig and no other?
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Unread 13-06-2006, 21:20   #7
Red Alert
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I'm baffled why there's no nitelink LUAS. it'd be full, and with live CCTV etc it would be much safer than the buses. A service at 1am, 2am, 3am shouldn't be beyond them
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Unread 14-06-2006, 10:07   #8
Thomas J Stamp
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Derek is getting to it, I was being sort of polite.

There were no special services cos it was Sunday.
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Unread 14-06-2006, 10:12   #9
Mark Gleeson
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Considering both Concerts on Sunday finished at or before 11pm there was no need for extra services, there is still the 11:20 to Drogheda, the extra 00:30 to Cork and Limerick
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Unread 14-06-2006, 10:19   #10
Thomas J Stamp
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Yes, but Ie arent actually the problem here, it's the LUAS and BAC, both of which were happy to pour tens of thousands of people into the city and leave them stranded there.

They should have contingency plans when there is a big concert. Ripping people off by supplying loads of buses to and from Slane/Punchestown/Marley park (ffs) can be done, why couldnt they have a beefed up nitelike type thing last Sunday?
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Unread 14-06-2006, 10:27   #11
Mark Gleeson
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Connex clearly goofed up since it was obvious the Luas wouldn't see the crowds until later since they walked in from the RDS
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Unread 14-06-2006, 10:49   #12
Thomas J Stamp
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They were also brought in by the DART right to the LUAS stop where there were no LUAS waiting.
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Unread 14-06-2006, 11:04   #13
Derek Wheeler
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson
Considering both Concerts on Sunday finished at or before 11pm there was no need for extra services, there is still the 11:20 to Drogheda, the extra 00:30 to Cork and Limerick
Now hang on a mo Mark. There is no way anyone on the northern line could have made the last train from Pearse at 11.20. I picked my wife and son up outside the Bankcentre at 11.10.(I had to wait on them) Even taking a DART from Sandymount to connect would've been too tight. Metallica wrapped at 10.45pm. You don't just walk out of the arena with ease. Its bedlam. Sure it can take up to 15mins to exit the Point. Maynooth had nothing and once again Kildare had nothing. The DART operated to the normal schedule. No excuse. IE dropped the ball again.

It was Sunday, a concert instead of a GAA match and someone in IEs operating Dept. likes Robbie Williams.

Its railway racism.
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Unread 14-06-2006, 12:04   #14
Thomas J Stamp
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I feel awfull for the Eagles fans, though.

Well, actually, I dont!!!
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