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Unread 24-06-2009, 19:41   #61
Colm Moore
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I think you'll find that Midleton-Cork expresses will be decimated, with the "all around the parishes" routes kept. I imagine most Youghal, etc. services will remain.

Last edited by Colm Moore : 26-06-2009 at 17:17.
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Unread 24-06-2009, 20:56   #62
Thomas Ralph
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I don't think there were many Midleton-Cork & vv expresses to begin with. Route 40 (Tralee-Rosslare Harbour) is pickup only eastbound and dropoff only westbound on most of its services.
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Unread 25-06-2009, 09:08   #63
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Well, they could save costs by having the bus routes terminate at Midleton Train Station and selling a ticket through from Cloyne, Whitegate etc. to Cork with the rail leg added on.

But that might be a sensible way to save costs. Slashing services is a lot easier.
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Unread 25-06-2009, 09:44   #64
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Multi-modal ticketing? Can't be having that now.
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Unread 29-06-2009, 16:02   #65
Colm Moore
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July date set for Cork to Midleton rail line

By Sean O’Riordan

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A NEW deadline of July 27 has been set for the long-awaited opening of the €75 million Cork-Midleton commuter rail service.

But senior Iarnród Éireann officials conceded the commencement date was, however, dependent on a green light from the Railway Safety Commission.

The commission is currently examining the track, signalling and stations along the route. Once it has given approval Iarnród Éireann will put trains on the line and start training its drivers on route familiarisation.

Fortunately, it now looks as though there is some light at the end of the tunnel in a long-running saga which at times descended into farce.

Just a few weeks ago Transport Minister Noel Dempsey came down to the new railway station in Midleton to announce the service’s timetable.

But he couldn’t provide people with the actual start-up date. The ministerial photo-session took place in a train at the station. But the train didn’t move, because it wasn’t certified to carry passengers.

On numerous occasions during the past few years both Mr Dempsey and his predecessor at the department, the late Seamus Brennan, have attended photoshoots along the track.

Iarnród Éireann prided itself in the connectivity of the service with the Dublin train. However, the ink wasn’t dry on the timetable when eagle-eyed TD David Stanton noticed a major mistake. The first train out of Midleton in the morning would arrive eight minutes after the Dublin-bound train had left Kent station. As Mr Stanton pointed out, that would be the train most people would have to get in order to be in the capital for an early business meeting. Red-faced Iarnród Éireann officials said they would try and address the situation.

Midleton Chamber of Commerce president Cillian O’Sullivan said his members had also been informed by Iarnród Éireann officials that the first commuter trains would start rolling during the week commencing July 27. "We met with people from Irish Rail last week and informed our members. We would like to see the railway line open as soon as possible," Mr O’Sullivan said.

Businesspeople in Midleton – which is regarded as one of the finest shopping towns in Munster – will be hoping to cash-in on the rail link by attracting customers from Cork city.

It will also make the town increasingly attractive for home buyers, as the train will also connect with Carrigtwohill, Glounthaune, and a large number of factories in Little Island.

Read more: http://www.irishexaminer.com/ireland...xzz0JprTKdAu&C
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Unread 29-06-2009, 20:15   #66
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Originally Posted by finnyus View Post
in today's printed version of the Irish Examiner (24.06.2009) the IDA are funding a station at Carrigtwohill West, which is situated in the middle of the Carrigtwohill industrial estate at Kilacloyne

The cost is estimated at 1 million Euro, it is to be a 90m platform + a carpark. Its has the backing of Iarnrod Eireann and is due to be complete by Christmas / early 2010.

Could they not have built this while building the line?!

Also in the article Barry Kenny said trial trains on the Midleton line would start next week.
The extra station is at Fota Retail Park at the existing industrial estate near Cobh Cross, where Youghal Carpets used to be. http://www.fotaretailpark.com/location.html
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Unread 01-07-2009, 22:33   #67
dave wilson
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When it comes on stream it must be used by people, but it will be mostly people going to cork in morning and returning in evening.
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Unread 02-07-2009, 06:23   #68
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The Cork BHAA "Stryker" road race was on in Carrigtwohill last night, the route took us passed Carrigtwohill Station:

All signage on the station platform is up and noticed that there are also "next train" electronic displays up as well: I suppose that will be for when we have "Youghal express" trains, "Mogeely Ploughing Championship" trains, etc... ...seems a bit mad like when there is a basic timetable in operation.

Must check if they are up in Midleton as well.
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Unread 02-07-2009, 10:57   #69
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Originally Posted by dave wilson View Post
When it comes on stream it must be used by people, but it will be mostly people going to cork in morning and returning in evening.
There will be some traffic in the opposite direction.

A lot of secondary school pupils in Carrigtwohill go to school in Midleton. Although, unfortunately, of the four secondary schools in Midleton, only one (the Church of Ireland school) is near the station.

And there are some jobs in Midleton. Clearly, there won't be as many doing the reverse commute as there would have been had Amgen opened, but it won't be unknown.

I wouldn't imagine the situation would be any worse than outbound DART services beyond Dun Laoighaire.
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Unread 02-07-2009, 16:14   #70
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Still no word on the date for the opening

All I know is it won't be anytime soon, August at this stage looks likely provided Irish Rail can provide sufficient trains and staff to operate them
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Unread 02-07-2009, 18:38   #71
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I have unconfirmed word of the end of July.
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Unread 02-07-2009, 22:51   #72
dave wilson
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Will the new shiny silver trains go to Midleton? I was going to work the other day and saw a train with a yellow coach in Cobh, after 10clock. What was that?
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Unread 02-07-2009, 23:04   #73
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It won't be a silver train, same commuter train as Cobh

Anything yellow is maintenance
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Unread 10-07-2009, 09:02   #74
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Default Long-awaited rail line to finally open this month

Long-awaited rail line to finally open this month
By Sean O'Riordan
Friday, July 10, 2009

AFTER months of speculation Iarnród Éireann has announced it will open the €75 million Cork-Midleton rail line on Thursday, July 30.

A spokesman for the company said to mark the launch of its new service, travel on trains operating on that day will be free.

From July 30 to August 3 inclusive, trains will operate on an hourly basis only.

The full schedule of services - 21 trains in either direction on weekdays - will come into effect on Tuesday, August 4.

During weekdays trains will run half-hourly at peak times and hourly off-peak. A total of 17 trains will operate each way on Saturdays, and eight trains will operate each way on Sundays.

Iarnród Éireann has put the infrastructure in place to expand services in the future to every 15 minutes, if the demand exists.

Drivers started testing trains on the line yesterday. Two drivers were involved and further drivers will be trained on the track right up to the opening day.

The journey time will be less than 24 minutes each way and all trains will serve the new stations at Midleton and Carrigtwohill, as well as Glounthaune, Little Island and Kent Station, Cork.

Each train consists of two-carriages, with capacity for 320 passengers, including seating for 129 passengers. Platforms have also been built to accommodate future expansion to four-carriage trains.

As well as offering a strong commuter service, the new Midleton timetable will provide excellent connections to the Cork-Dublin Intercity service.

The company has revised its timetable from Midleton after it was noticed that the first train leaving there wouldn't connect with the first train leaving Kent Station for Dublin.

Midleton-based TD David Stanton spotted that the first train leaving his home town would arrive seven minutes after the Cork-Dublin train had departed.

A spokesman for Iarnród Éireann said an alteration had been made to the timetable so the first train would now leave Midleton at the earlier time of 6.45am to allow for connectivity.

The last train will depart Midleton for Cork at 10.45pm.

The first train leaving Kent Station for Midleton will depart at 6.15am and the last will go at 10.15pm.

The company also announced ticket prices: a single adult fare will be €4.40, while a return ticket is €6.50.

Adult weekly tickets cost €26, a monthly ticket comes in at €92, while the annual ticket is €920. "Monthly and annual customers are reminded that employees of companies registered with the Taxsaver scheme are entitled to tax relief on the cost of commuter tickets of up to 51%. Full details are available on www.taxsaver.ie," the Iarnród Éireann spokesman said.

Car parking charges will be introduced at both Midleton and Carrigtowhill station.

The charges will be €2 per day, €8 per week and €30 for four weeks.

This story appeared in the printed version of the Irish Examiner Friday, July 10, 2009
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Unread 10-07-2009, 09:29   #75
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We shall see, the date keep slipping, was June, then July 27th and now 30th and even then its without the full timetable.

I can see all the usual problems, there won't be enough trains, Cork is struggling to meet the current timetable. Will there be enough staff?
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Unread 10-07-2009, 11:12   #76
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Went to have a look at the station in Carrigtwohill yesterday. Seems all ready to go just for a bit of tidying up etc.

Charging for parking though won't encourage people out of their cars I'm afraid.
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Unread 10-07-2009, 11:32   #77
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Default Midleton line to open on July 30th by Corporate Communications

Midleton line to open on July 30th by Corporate Communications

Iarnród Éireann has confirmed that the new Cork-Midleton line will officially open to the public on Thursday 30th July.

A day of celebration is planned, involving the local community and businesses, and travel on the new service will be free on that day.

An initial introductory service will operate from Thursday 30th July to Bank Holiday Monday 3rd August inclusive, before the full commuter service begins on Tuesday 4th August.

Physical work on the new line has been completed, following a €75 million investment in the infrastructure under the Government’s Transport 21 programme, part of the National Development Plan 2007-2013. Finishing works on station facilities are continuing, and driver training on the line is underway.

A total of 21 trains each way will operate daily between Cork and Midleton, with services running every 30 minutes at peak times, and every hour at off-peak times, Monday to Friday. Seventeen trains each way will operate on Saturdays, and eight trains will operate each way on Sundays.

Monday to Saturday Timetable

From Cork: 06.15, 06.45*, 07.15, 07.45*, 08.15, 08.45*, 09.15, 10.15, 11.15, 12.15, 13.15, 14.15, 15.15, 16.15, 17.15, 17.45*, 18.15, 19.15, 20.15, 21.15, 22.15

From Midleton: 06.45, 07.15*, 07.45, 08.15*, 08.45, 09.15*, 09.45, 10.45, 11.45, 12.45, 13.45, 14.45, 15.45, 16.45, 17.45, 18.15*, 18.45, 19.45, 20.45, 21.45, 22.45

* = Mon-Fri only

Sunday Timetable

From Cork: 08.15, 10.15, 12.15, 14.15, 16.15, 17.15, 18.15, 20.15

From Midleton: 08.45, 10.45, 12.45, 14.45, 16.45, 17.45, 18.45, 20.45

Journey details – Commuter service, and Intercity connections

Journey time between Midleton and Cork will be 23-24 minutes, and all trains will serve the new stations of Midleton and Carrigtwohill, as well as Glounthaune, Little Island and Kent Station Cork.

As well as offering a strong commuter service, the new Midleton timetable will offer excellent connections to the Cork-Dublin Intercity service, maximising the benefit of this new infrastructure.

The infrastructure also offers the potential to expand services in the future to every 15 minutes, as demand increases.

Each train will be a two-carriage commuter train, with capacity for 320 passengers, including seating for 129 passengers. Platforms have also been built to accommodate future expansion to four-carriage trains.

Fares for Midleton customers to Cork will be:

Adult Single: €4.40

Adult Return: €6.50

Adult Weekly: €26.00

Adult Monthly: €92.00

Adult Annual: €920.00

Monthly and annual customers are reminded that employees of companies registered with the Taxsaver scheme are entitled to tax relief on the cost of commuter tickets, of up to 51%. Full details are available on www.taxsaver.ie

Car park charges at Midleton and Carrigtwohill Stations will be:

€2 per day

€8 per week

€30 per 4 weeks

Midleton line project

The €75 million investment in the Midleton line includes:

- upgrading track on the previously disused Glounthaune to Midleton line, through provision of a single track with a passing loop at Carrigtwohill

- providing a new signalling system

- provision of two new stations at Midleton and Carrigtwohill, including extensive car parking facilities (340 spaces and 180 spaces respectively), lifts and footbridges

- the replacement of a range of level crossings with bridges

- other infrastructure work including bridge, boundary and drainage works
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Unread 10-07-2009, 13:34   #78
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Maybe it's just the pessimist in me but I think the capacity being offered will be vastly in excess of traffic offering. A train from Midleton station (not exactly conveniently located) will land you at Glanmire Road in Cork (also not conveniently located), whereas the bus will bring you from Midleton Main Street to Parnell Place bus station much closer to the city centre and while the reopened line may generate some additional business for Dublin/Cork intercity services its value as a commuter line is dubious. The unmanned stations will soon succumb to vandalism and the whole project will become yet another white elephant. A full re-opening to Youghal could have been undertaken years ago, for a fraction of the price, and would have been a more worthwhile project altogether. I genuinely hope that I am proved utterly wrong!
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Unread 10-07-2009, 13:59   #79
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I'd say the bus service will be substantially scaled back once the railway opens.

Also, Parnell Place isn't that much closer to the city centre than the Horgan's Quay side of Kent Station - if only they'd open an entrance onto Horgan's Quay.

The price of commuter tickets is actually substantially cheaper on the train. The bus prices are €158.00 monthly and €1,896.00 annually.

I'd be interested to know how much a rail-bus weekly commuter ticket costs. On the Cobh line, it only adds about €5 per month to get a city bus add on, so hopefully it will be similar for Midleton.
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Unread 13-07-2009, 00:13   #80
dave wilson
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Default Midleton

Well Lads, full steam ahead. Drove over to Midleton today and the barriers were down across the Mill Road. Then a little orange engine appeared. Went in to station and went back out a while later. Had no film in my camera to snap it.
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