Hi all,
I was on the Maynooth (Longford??) train ex Coolmine at 8.17 this morning, which was pretty crowded in the carriage I was in but less so than normal I thought. Anyway just after leaving Drumcondra another poor girl passed out -I say another because my work colleague and I get the same train and have a story about a fainting girl about once every fortnight-3 weeks!
Anyway the train stopped up for about a minute between Drumcondra and Connolly and the beeping noise came on overhead the door to signify that the doors could be opened! Because everyone was so concerned about the girl that had fainted and because the windows were all steamed up and we couldn't see exactly where we were a guy pushed the exit button to open the door to let some air in and it was only then everyone realised that we weren't even near Connolly! A lot of people got a shock by that because normally bodies are squashed right up against the door and if that had been the case this morning there could have been a very unfortunate incident. We were wondering if maybe the train driver had seen the girl faint on the cctv and wanted us to open the door to get air on or something???! That doesn't sound right either though...