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Unread 12-03-2012, 10:41   #58
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Originally Posted by dowlingm View Post
Without getting into the technicalities more than we have to, would it cost much to reinstate it as a bay to allow a shuttle to drop branch passengers and head back to Limerick as/when convenient? Is there a good reason why they would have opted to forgo the bay with the buffer stops just short of it?
It would probably be cheaper to build a direct curve at Ballybrophy and install an additional mainline crossover to facilitate direct access to and from the branch. This work will ultimately be necessary if the Limerick (via Nenagh) line is to survive in the longer term.

Ironically Irish Rail have recently spent a small fortune renewing the dis-functional layout at Ballybrophy, the bulk of which is little used.

The current arrangement at Portlaoise allows northbound movements along the loop approach the exit signal without requiring the points to be set onto the southbound main line.

The bay platform at Portlaoise hasn't been signalled for passenger movements since at least 1976 and has had virtually no function of any sort in recent years.

Last edited by Inniskeen : 12-03-2012 at 10:44.
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