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Unread 25-04-2009, 11:13   #2
alek smart
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Posts: 144

Wow,the somewhat awful truth emerges in Para.3.2 of the adjudication with a throwaway description of the number of PASSES in circulation.......Circa 600,000.
That "Circa" is the important word here as it tends to show that the Authorities have no idea of just how great their actual financial exposure to the Free Travel Scheme is.

If one factors in Spouses,Companions,Irregular Usage and downright Fraudulent usage then we can easily be looking at 1,000,000 persons who derive regular benefit from "Free" Travel.

It`s very revealing to note the highly restrictive conditions which Northern Ireland`s Authorities placed on the Republics Free Pass holders gaining access to Translinks services.

Applications to be made personally.
Identity of Pass Holder to be double verified on application.
Issue of a Smart Card enabled pass to allow for full and accurate cost recovery.
OAP Pass Holder ONLY recognised for Free Travel on Translinks Services.

The NIO and Translink were sufficiently wary of the vast Black Hole presented to them by the DFSA to take a prudent step back from the "Full Extension of Free Travel across the 32 Counties" originally promised by Seamus Brennan upon his taking Office as Minister for Social Affairs.

In the current climate the DFSA Free Travel scheme requires URGENT attention if it`is not to collapse totally which would be a VERY backward step for what was one of the most far sighted schemes ever introduced by an Irish Govewrnment !
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