Thread: Luas Red Line
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Unread 06-07-2008, 09:40   #7
James Shields
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I have to agree here.

The advertising is good up to a point, but two weeks notice is insufficient in my opinion. I've also yet so see an actual completion date. "Early Autumn" give a lot of leyway.

There should be no reason for the closure to take so long. It should be a case of do everything that can possibly be done with the line running, then shut it down for the minimum possible time and work like crazy 24/7 until it can reopen. Contractors should have a scheme in place where they're paid a bonus for early completion and penalties for delays.

I would think that when the line is complete there should still be a decent service out of Connolly. There's no way the point will need the same frequency as Connolly-Heuston. Will trams run Connolly-Point as well?

I think we're sometimes too willing to let IE/RPA away with stuff. This should have been thought out properly in the first place, and we shouldn't have to listen to excuses.
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