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Search: Posts Made By: Maynooth_Line
Forum: Longford-Maynooth-Dunboyne-Clonsilla-Dublin line 26-12-2009, 10:27
Replies: 2
Views: 33,356
Posted By Maynooth_Line
At one stage when they began the €10 day return...

At one stage when they began the €10 day return promotion I recall noticing that the offer was also available from Dublin. Is this still the case? It no longer appears to state that on the notice...
Forum: Dublin Rosslare 19-12-2009, 12:15
Replies: 9
Views: 42,162
Posted By Maynooth_Line
Any idea of when IE plan to allow online bookings...

Any idea of when IE plan to allow online bookings (and with it hopefully cheaper fares) on Wexford/Rosslare services?
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 15-01-2008, 20:51
Replies: 6
Views: 4,921
Posted By Maynooth_Line
Yea that was it. Many confused people on the...

Yea that was it.

Many confused people on the platform. No announcements were made over the platform PA (the auto-announcement for the 18:08 when it was arriving into platform 7 was actually...
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 17-12-2007, 19:42
Replies: 3
Views: 4,848
Posted By Maynooth_Line
Yep it has a magnetic strip as well. It'd just be...

Yep it has a magnetic strip as well. It'd just be so much handier not having to take it in and out of the wallet the whole time.

Thanks Mark.
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 17-12-2007, 18:22
Replies: 3
Views: 4,848
Posted By Maynooth_Line
Question Validating Annual Tickets

Got my new bright yellow annual bus & rail ticket there the other day which starts in January. Seems like there's a chip inside it (holding it up to a light I can see some kind of RFID set-up inside...
Forum: Dublin Rosslare 29-11-2007, 18:27
Replies: 11
Views: 25,565
Posted By Maynooth_Line
The new Rosslare timetable has a picture of a...

The new Rosslare timetable has a picture of a 29000 at the Docklands station.

IE are obviously trying to shown off the new shiny seats there. :D
Forum: Longford-Maynooth-Dunboyne-Clonsilla-Dublin line 22-11-2007, 00:23
Replies: 18
Views: 34,620
Posted By Maynooth_Line
You might as well send the trains to Broadstone...

You might as well send the trains to Broadstone instead.

Sorry for going Off Topic.
Forum: Up To Date Travel Information 15-11-2007, 22:35
Replies: 0
Views: 3,242
Posted By Maynooth_Line
[15/11/07] 07:40 Clonsilla - Docklands

This service was apparently cancelled this morning. Announcement made at station.

(Was told this so if anyone know different please say so)
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 15-11-2007, 22:31
Replies: 103
Views: 56,753
Posted By Maynooth_Line
AWOL Train

The 17:40 Rosslare - Drogheda train goes AWOL from the timetable if you put in any station after Wicklow as the destination. Looks like it hasn't been fully programmed into the on-line timetable (it...
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 07-10-2007, 21:23
Replies: 20
Views: 19,495
Posted By Maynooth_Line
Looks like they've been listening to you...

Looks like they've been listening to you Mark;

They've made all the above changes, though looks like they didn't use anything fancier than MS Paint. The mark for Mosney is still...
Forum: General Irish Rail Discussion 19-09-2007, 20:59
Replies: 20
Views: 19,495
Posted By Maynooth_Line
Irish Rail Journey Planner Map

As some of you may of noticed Irish Rail seem to have added an option to the Journey Planner on their website in the last few days to display a map so you can choose your station from it.

Forum: Commuter Services 01-08-2007, 22:32
Replies: 4
Views: 4,758
Posted By Maynooth_Line
Yep, noticed it in the Docklands today.

Yep, noticed it in the Docklands today.
Forum: Intercity and Regional 26-07-2007, 16:52
Replies: 10
Views: 6,390
Posted By Maynooth_Line
Back on the topic of the one-way "Special...

Back on the topic of the one-way "Special Offers";

If I select Cork - Dublin Heuston the one-way price is €31.

If I select Cork - Dublin City Centre the one-way price is €32.20 (as it includes...
Forum: DART 24-07-2007, 22:45
Replies: 6
Views: 36,124
Posted By Maynooth_Line
If you look you'll also find that...

If you look you'll also find that http://www.irishrail.com and http://www.irishrail.org among others all work.

It's standard practise for companies to buy up domains to stop them falling into the...
Forum: DART 20-07-2007, 21:11
Replies: 6
Views: 36,124
Posted By Maynooth_Line
Try http://www.iarnrodeireann.ie/dart/ That the...

Try http://www.iarnrodeireann.ie/dart/

That the site you're looking for? Though the fact they have 3 different sites to begin with is a joke.
Forum: Dublin Sligo 29-04-2007, 22:54
Replies: 23
Views: 99,481
Posted By Maynooth_Line
So what trains are operated by the Mk II's on the...

So what trains are operated by the Mk II's on the Sligo line at the moment?
Forum: Longford-Maynooth-Dunboyne-Clonsilla-Dublin line 03-12-2006, 18:35
Replies: 4
Views: 54,647
Posted By Maynooth_Line
Ah where's your Christmas spirit!!! :D

Ah where's your Christmas spirit!!! :D
Forum: Longford-Maynooth-Dunboyne-Clonsilla-Dublin line 30-11-2006, 20:03
Replies: 2
Views: 53,936
Posted By Maynooth_Line
Its not the train I usually get but I have got it...

Its not the train I usually get but I have got it often enough. Its one of the less crowded trains in the evening. And nothing compared to the morning trains!
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 27-11-2006, 22:13
Replies: 20
Views: 9,844
Posted By Maynooth_Line
Unfortunately it would take a major effort to do...

Unfortunately it would take a major effort to do this. If the government was to give Dublin Bus 500 new buses all the private operators would be going mad and they'd take the case to the European...
Forum: DART 26-10-2006, 22:17
Replies: 1
Views: 41,190
Posted By Maynooth_Line
IE did put a time on the travel alert notice...

IE did put a time on the travel alert notice though - looks like you're finally starting to get through to them!
Forum: DART 19-10-2006, 16:47
Replies: 193
Views: 200,239
Posted By Maynooth_Line
And what if you got on at Broombridge? :rolleyes:

And what if you got on at Broombridge? :rolleyes:
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 26-09-2006, 22:40
Replies: 30
Views: 10,535
Posted By Maynooth_Line
I'm just saying where the TV3 reporter said they...

I'm just saying where the TV3 reporter said they were!
Forum: Events, Happenings and Media 26-09-2006, 22:29
Replies: 30
Views: 10,535
Posted By Maynooth_Line
Item on TV3 news this evening. The minister was...

Item on TV3 news this evening. The minister was down in Athenry sitting on a 29000 letting all the photographers take pictures and was giving the usual PR spin.
Forum: Commuter Services 26-09-2006, 22:22
Replies: 570
Views: 671,581
Posted By Maynooth_Line
Its still happening, except some days it actually...

Its still happening, except some days it actually announces "This train is for Dublin Pearse calling at ....... Drumcondra, Dublin Connolly, Tara Street and Dublin Pearse."

The scrolling display is...
Forum: Rail Users Ireland Canteen 22-09-2006, 19:48
Replies: 13
Views: 4,295
Posted By Maynooth_Line
True enough, thats the advantage I suppose of...

True enough, thats the advantage I suppose of dealing with relatively new bodies like the RPA where legacy issues don't arise and they're not as stuck to their ways. The staff in the DoT are being...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 49

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