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Old 14-11-2011, 18:16   #81
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson View Post
As of today integrated ticketing goes kind of public. After the first trial which had over 250 people the next larger trial starts, moving to thousands.

Watch out for the advertisement in the media looking for people to try it out over the next few days
Any chance of getting part expanded trial through here?
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Old 15-11-2011, 10:01   #82
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As has been explained before, there was a trial group recruited through the RUI membership at the invitation of both Irish Rail and the RPA. This group was in fact among the very first to try the system. All members of our trial group are being issued with the final live card this week.

The next phase is open to anyone, there will be an online application form. Details will be advised in the media shortly.

A significant increase in the number of bus routes and full Irish Rail coverage should happen very soon.
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Old 15-11-2011, 10:12   #83
Colm Moore
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My local Spar (Dublin Bus agent) now has an ITS terminal.
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Old 15-11-2011, 12:03   #84
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Originally Posted by Colm Moore View Post
My local Spar (Dublin Bus agent) now has an ITS terminal.
Centra in Dun Laoghaire got its terminal last week.

Clontarf Garage is close to being fitted so that will release a a large number of extra routes.

Other garages are a problem as some routes now operate out of two garages.
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Old 16-11-2011, 22:40   #85
Colm Moore
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Integrated Ticketing Scheme
Calling Dublin Bus, Luas, DART and Commuter Rail Users

We are calling for 500 customers, aged 16+, to assist in the final testing phase of the new integrated ticketing scheme – Leap Card. It allows you to pay for travel on Dublin Bus, Luas, DART and Commuter Rail with one smartcard. It’s due to be introduced in the Greater Dublin Area in the coming weeks but you could be among the first to use it!

If you are interesting in participating in this testing phase please click the link below from Friday 18th November 2011 to apply to take part. If your application is successful you will receive a Leap Card Topped Up with €20 Travel Credit. Then you can use the card instead of buying single/return tickets for your normal travel. We will send you a short questionnaire by email to get your feedback about your experiences using the card.

In line with international best practice for introducing smartcard technology, Leap Card is being rolled out on a gradual basis and this testing phase is the final stage in advance of the introduction of the card to the market.

(Link Coming Soon!)

Note this link will become active on Friday 18th November.

Background Information

In 2011, the National Transport Authority took over responsibility for the completion and delivery for the Integrated Ticketing Scheme (ITS) in the Greater Dublin Area. The Scheme will allow customers to use a single smart card to pay for their travel on public transport within and around Dublin. The smart card will help make journeys on public transport easier as coins will no longer be required to pay for single tickets. Customers will simply touch their card to a reader at the gate or point of entry and exit (entry only on bus), benefiting from improved convenience and speed in the ticketing process.

Customer Benefits of ITS Smart Cards
  • Flexible – the same smart card can be used on multiple transport operators
  • No need to have the correct change or carry cash
  • Reduced boarding times on buses
  • Shorter queues for tickets at Luas and Irish Rail Ticket machines
  • Fast, secure and convenient transactions
  • Reusable – the card can be topped-up with travel credit (or period tickets in the future)

Transport Operator Benefits of ITS Smart Cards
  • Reduced cash management
  • Facilitates easier transfers between services
  • Improves transport services by making them easier to use
  • Tamper proof storage of transaction activities
  • Decreased levels of fare evasion and fraud loss
  • Reliable and proven technology in volume production
  • Provides a tool to implement creative and flexible fares
  • Accurate data for service planning purposes

Interim Smart Card Schemes

A number of interim single transport operator smart card schemes are currently in place on the following transport operators: Luas, Dublin Bus, Irish Rail (for DART and Commuter Rail services).

As a result, each of these operators now has smart card acceptance infrastructure in place and in use, and customers are becoming familiar with using smart cards. These schemes will migrate, over time, to the single ITS smart card after its launch. Added functionality and products will be phased-in following the ITS launch, as is explained below.

Current Status..


The new scheme underwent a first round of live customer testing in early 2011. This involved testing the card acceptance infrastructure on both Dublin Bus and Luas. An annual Dublin Bus and Luas ticket was loaded onto the test cards and test users were asked to use the card as they normally would in their every-day travel patterns. The back office systems are currently undergoing final testing before the customer launch of the scheme.

The final round of testing is now under way. This round is focusing on the pay-as-you-go element of the scheme. Every time the test user makes a journey, the appropriate fare gets deducted from their test card.

Roll Out Plans

The scheme will be launched when testing proves that the entire system is sufficiently robust. It will facilitate cashless travel on services of participating operators, initially Dublin Bus, Luas, DART and Commuter Rail services in the Dublin area. Users will be able to top-up their ITS card with Travel Credit and pay as they go. The scheme will then be rolled out to cover services provided by private bus operators, and Bus Éireann in the greater Dublin area following completion of the necessary development, testing and commissioning of their systems.

Future Developments

Once the Travel Credit aspect of ITS is established, more functions will be added, on a phased basis. This will include the introduction of:

Transfer Rebates – this is where the system will “rebate” your card with a fixed amount of Travel Credit when you transfer between transport modes
Auto Top-Up makes sure you never run out of Travel Credit by automatically topping up your card from your bank account. Once it’s introduced, you’ll be able to activate this online.
A wide range of ticket products such as annual and monthly passes
Cards specifically for Students and Scholars

Project Background

In 2011, the National Transport Authority took over responsibility (from the Railway Procurement Agency, RPA) for the completion and delivery for the Integrated Ticketing Scheme (ITS) in the Greater Dublin Area. RPA is finishing out the remaining work on the development of the system, and the Authority is now directly managing the transport operators’ aspect of the project, and is piloting the use of cards.
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Old 17-11-2011, 07:11   #86
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Integrated Ticketing Scheme - Help test the new Leap Card! by Corporate Communications

Integrated Ticketing is entering the final phase of testing over the coming weeks. The scheme will use smart card technology to allow customers to pay for travel on Dublin Bus, Luas, DART and Commuter Rail (in the short hop zone).

The National Transport Authority will be calling for 500 customers, aged 16+, to assist in the final testing phase of the new scheme.

If you are interesting in participating in this testing phase please see www.integratedticketing.ie where a short questionnaire will be available for you to apply to take part. The questionnaire will open for applications from Friday 18th November.

If your application is successful you will receive a Leap Card Topped Up with €20 Travel Credit. Then you can use the card instead of buying single/return tickets for your normal travel.

In line with international best practice for introducing smartcard technology, Leap Card is being rolled out on a gradual basis and this testing phase is the final stage in advance of the introduction of the card to the market.
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Old 17-11-2011, 12:34   #87
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fully operational within weeks

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Old 17-11-2011, 14:46   #88
Colm Moore
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Integrated Ticketing is entering the final phase of testing over the coming weeks. The scheme will use smart card technology to allow customers to pay for travel on Dublin Bus, Luas, DART and Commuter Rail (in the short hop zone).

The National Transport Authority will be calling for 500 customers, aged 16+, to assist in the final testing phase of the new scheme.

If you are interesting in participating in this testing phase please see www.integratedticketing.ie where a short questionnaire will be available for you to apply to take part. The questionnaire will open for applications from Friday 18th November. If your application is successful you will receive a Leap Card Topped Up with €20 Travel Credit. Then you can use the card instead of buying single/return tickets for your normal travel.

In line with international best practice for introducing smartcard technology, Leap Card is being rolled out on a gradual basis and this testing phase is the final stage in advance of the introduction of the card to the market.

Click on www.integratedticketing.ie to apply
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Old 18-11-2011, 08:48   #89
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Default Dublin integrated ticketing plan announced

Dublin integrated ticketing plan announced
Updated: 20:15, Thursday, 17 November 2011

The Department of Transport has said a new integrated ticketing system will be available by the end of the year.

A new integrated transport ticketing system has been announced today for the Greater Dublin area.

The Leap Card is expected to be available to all commuters by the end of this year.

In the meantime, the National Transport Authority is calling for 500 customers to test the new system in the coming weeks.

The Department of Transport says €48m has been spent on the system to date over the last eight years and €55m will have been spent by the time the system is ready to go.

The idea of integrated ticketing was first suggested by Mary O'Rourke in 1999 and the Railway Procurement Agency took over the project in 2002.
Video: http://www.rte.ie/news/2011/1117/int...ket.html#video

Integrated transport tickets on way


More than nine years and €48 million after it was first proposed public transport users in Dublin are expected to be able to buy integrated transport tickets "within weeks", it was announced today.

The project which has a total budget of some €55 million will eventually enable public transport users make complex journeys utilising Dublin bus, Dart, Irish Rail, Luas and Bus Éireann services - but is not expected to be fully in place until mid 2012.

Launching the latest phase of testing this morning, the National Transport Authority said 500 commuters will be offered €20 in free travel to take part in a public trial of the integrated ticket to be known as the "leap card".

The €20 free ticket will be available to the first 500 consumers who log onto the authority's website integratedticketing.ie from tomorrow morning. The card will be valid for travel on Dublin Bus, Luas, Dart and Irish Rail suburban services. Bus Éireann services are expected to be added by next summer.

Leap cards will also allow discounts on the normal "cash fare" ticket prices on Luas and Irish Rail "cash fares", but not as yet on Dublin Bus.

Early next year it is hoped that users of season tickets and multiple journey cards will be able use leap cards and private bus operators are also expected to be ultimately involved.

Integrated ticketing was first put forward by the then minister for public enterprise Mary O'Rourke in 2002. Mrs O'Rourke said she wanted to see the system in place as soon as possible but conceded it could take two years. The Railway Procurement Agency established an integrated ticketing project team in 2003 and former minister for Transport the late Seamus Brennan, launched the first 'smart card' as part of the integrated ticketing project in March 2004.

This morning, Minister for State with responsibility for Public and Commuter Transport Alan Kelly rejected suggestions the deployment was haphazard, remarking that it was always intended to be a "phased basis".

Mr Kelly said "it is great to see this scheme nearing completion and positive for commuters".
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Old 18-11-2011, 09:17   #90
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Applications are live now.
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Old 18-11-2011, 09:22   #91
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The rebuttal by Dublin Bus in this mornings Metro Herald article is so poor and derisory, it almost seems like they don't care anymore.

They (RUI) criticised the fact that Dublin get Bus was not offering a discount on its ill be cash fares but a spokeswoman for the company argued that the maximum fare was that can be charged on a Leap Card is lister €2.20 meaning anyone making longer journeys is making a saving.
So basically unless you're living in Balbriggan, you'll make no savings. They also didn't point out that it has to be longer journeys on a single bus.
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Old 18-11-2011, 09:31   #92
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So if I get on a 46A in Foxrock and get off at UCD to change onto the 39A I currently pay a total of €1.90 using my travel 90 ten journey ticket.

Will I be double charged with Leap ?
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Old 18-11-2011, 09:33   #93
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Originally Posted by Colm Moore View Post
Applications are live now.
And closed already......
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Old 18-11-2011, 14:43   #94
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Originally Posted by jacko View Post
So if I get on a 46A in Foxrock and get off at UCD to change onto the 39A I currently pay a total of €1.90 using my travel 90 ten journey ticket.

Will I be double charged with Leap ?
Capping and transfer fares have not been enabled just yet. We've made the point that a failure to implement capping would be a failure of the scheme.

Metro Herald article: http://e-edition.metroherald.ie/2011...index.html?p=4
Attached Files
File Type: pdf Metro Herald 18-11-2011.pdf (131.2 KB, 474 views)

Last edited by Colm Moore : 18-11-2011 at 14:58.
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Old 19-11-2011, 07:42   #95
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Default Integrated ticketing for Dublin transport due within weeks

Integrated ticketing for Dublin transport due within weeks

MORE THAN nine years and €48 million after it was first proposed, public transport users in Dublin are expected to be able to buy integrated transport tickets “within weeks”.

The project, which has a total budget of €55 million, will eventually enable public transport users to make complex journeys utilising Dublin Bus, Dart, Iarnród Éireann, Luas and Bus Éireann services – but that is not expected to happen until mid-2012.

Launching the latest phase of testing yesterday the National Transport Authority said 500 commuters will be offered €20 in free travel to take part in a public trial of the integrated ticket, to be known as the “Leap card”.

The €20 free tickets will be available to the first 500 consumers who log on to the authority’s website integratedticketing.ie from this morning. The card will be valid for travel on Dublin Bus, Luas, Dart and Iarnród Éireann suburban services. Bus Éireann services are expected to be added by next summer.

Leap cards will also allow discounts on the normal cash fare ticket prices on Luas and Iarnród Éireann, but not Dublin Bus. The authority said it was always planned to deploy the card in a phased basis.

Early next year it is hoped that users of season tickets and multiple journey cards will be able to use Leap cards and private bus operators are also expected to be ultimately involved.

Integrated ticketing was first put forward in 2002 by then minister for public enterprise Mary O’Rourke. She said she wanted to see the system in place as soon as possible but conceded it could take two years.

The Railway Procurement Agency established an integrated ticketing scheme in 2003 and former minister for transport, the late Séamus Brennan, launched the first “smart card” as part of the integrated ticketing project in March 2004.

Minister of State for Public and Commuter Transport Alan Kelly rejected suggestions the deployment was haphazard, remarking that it was always intended to be a “phased basis”.

Mr Kelly said: “It is great to see this scheme nearing completion and positive for commuters.”

- A danger that some 30 to 35 people will die on the Republic’s roads between now and Christmas was outlined by Road Safety Authority chief executive Noel Brett yesterday.

Announcing a series of services and commemorations to coincide with World Remembrance Day for road traffic victims this weekend, Mr Brett said 23,057 people – comparable to the population of Tralee – were killed on the State’s roads since records began in 1959.

Mr Brett said he was appealing to all drivers to spend a few moments thinking how life would change for their families if they were suddenly “taken out of the picture”. “Be selfish about it. Think how would your family manage without you.”
One small step for Dublin transport, one giant Leap off the Park bus

ALAN KELLY is a man in a hurry. This may be one of the reasons why Eamon Gilmore made him junior minister for buses – a role filled by Fianna Fáil’s Seán Haughey in the last government.

The Labour TD for Tipperary North was in the news during the week when, as Minister of State with Responsibility for Public Transport and Commuter Affairs, he launched a new integrated travel ticketing system for Dublin.

For some reason, some of his party colleagues found this hilarious. He showed off the “Leap card” commuters will be able to use on various forms of public transport. They will be able to hop on and off between bus, Luas, Dart and local rail services in the greater Dublin area.

The card wouldn’t have helped Alan on the day of the presidential inauguration, when President Michael D hosted a private luncheon for about 90 guests. What with the Taoiseach and Tánaiste, the judges, senior ministers and former Áras incumbents, not to mention Michael D’s family and special guests, spaces were tight on the list.

After the inauguration ceremony, a bus was sent to Dublin Castle to transport the favoured ones to the Phoenix Park. A buffet lunch was laid on for the many who remained behind.

The passengers included some Labour junior ministers, but not all. There were mere deputies too – old friends of the new President. Kildare’s Jack Wall was among them.

The guests were given a special lapel pin to wear so the military police who were running the operation could recognise them. They also had a printed list of names.

Labour junior ministers Jan O’Sullivan and Róis*n Shortall weren’t on the list. “They took their beating and said nothing,” remarked one observer. But Alan Kelly, public transport supremo, attempted to board the bus.

He hopped on . . . and hopped off, encouraged in no uncertain terms by a military policeman who told him he was not entitled to travel. This may have been why he occasioned such mirth when he produced his new Leap smart card at the parliamentary party meeting. The moral for Mr Kelly seems to be: Look before you Leap.

That’s not to say he won’t get the nod from Gilmore for Willie Penrose’s recently vacated high-chair at the Cabinet table. The Tánaiste now has to choose a new junior minister and then appoint one from among their ranks to super-junior status.

In classic Bertie Ahern fashion, Gilmore has announced to his simmering wanabes that he won’t make any decision until after the budget. This should cut down on any pre-budget tantrums from his unsettled troops, some of whom are very jittery.
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Old 24-11-2011, 09:31   #96
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Phase 3 of user trials starts tomorrow

All applicants who were approved and all those from the previous trials should see a card in the post arrive Friday

The system is now I'm told live on all Dublin Bus, all Luas and all Irish Rail in short hop zone (excluding Kilcoole and Broombridge)

Clarification is awaited as to Broombridge and the 53B which is the only bus route where Dublin Bus only accept cash
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Old 24-11-2011, 15:11   #97
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just wondering Mark

so one you were involved in previous tests you should get a smartcard.

also a letter will not be needed this time will it?
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Old 24-11-2011, 15:38   #98
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The 257 who took part in the phase 2 trial Sept/Oct 2011 who completed the survey and returned the card as per instructions (SAE was sent out) will get a card.

Phase 3 will have 750 or so passengers testing, plus RPA/Veoila/Dublin Bus/Irish Rail total roughly 1,000
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Old 24-11-2011, 15:41   #99
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Great to see such large volumes will be testing. Any information regarding an online portal to check transactions etc or will you have to use a Luas or Irish Rail ticket machine?
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Old 24-11-2011, 18:00   #100
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There is a full website which will allow top up (collect Luas, Irish Rai, or a specific private operator), transaction history and will allow current interim smart cards to transfer to the new system.

It will do product, monthly tickets etc. in the future.

The website actually has been finished for some time.

There is also a new fully staffed call centre in place to deal with customer queries and that is currently live after several weeks of training.

Luas ticket machines have supported top up and transaction history for several months, Irish Rail will as well. Top up will be available at 400 odd locations when fully rolled out. The readers are appearing in shops currently, should be all Payzone outlets in Dublin

The following retailers are confirmed as working top up locations.

Station House Dundrum Luas Stop
Reynolds Abbey St
SU Shop Trinity College
Londis St Stephen's Green
Easons Heuston Station (the newsagent outlet)
Spar Tallaght Cross
Stanleys Abbey St
Centra Ranelagh
Mace South Circular Road (James/Rialto)

Last edited by Mark Gleeson : 26-11-2011 at 01:29.
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