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Old 04-09-2009, 14:31   #21
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they need to work on balancing the number of gates in\out as well. This morning, disembarking at Pearse (nrthbound) and exiting through the stairs gates there were 2 gates out and 2 gates in - some woman got stuck trying to put a ticket through leaving everyone else queuing for 1 gate.

Surely there's no need to have any more than 1 gate onto the platform, people arriving to get a train arrive in dribs and drabs, whereas trains arriving discharge large numbers of passengers in one go...
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Old 04-09-2009, 14:49   #22
Thomas Ralph
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That's true; my opinion is that all but two gates should be bidirectional, with one in-only and one out-only.
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Old 28-09-2009, 18:38   #23
Thomas Ralph
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For the very first time my ticket from Sandymount to Cork worked at every possible opportunity: in at Sandymount, out at Connolly, in at Heuston, then out at Heuston and in at Connolly on the way back. Gets 9½ out of 10; the half deducted is because the ticket jammed in the gate at Heuston on the way back.
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Old 17-10-2009, 15:24   #24
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There seems to be a major problem at the moment whereas people are having the tickets validated successfully without any problems but the gates are not opening !

Talking to staff at one of the stations they are saying this problem is a common occurance at the moment. This problem is happening to myself quiet often at connolly , tara street , pearse and blackrock

Last edited by ThomasJ : 17-10-2009 at 15:35.
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Old 14-01-2010, 11:28   #25
Thomas Ralph
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Originally Posted by Thomas Ralph View Post
The time-out on tickets needs some work. I know the idea is to stop people using the same ticket (generally a season ticket) to put multiple people through the same gates. However, a ticket validated at Lansdowne Road at 0823 should let you out of Pearse at 0829. At the moment, it doesn't; the gate says "Just validated".

Obviously the time that the ticket was last validated is encoded onto the stripe; I wonder is this the same for the station and direction (in/out)? Even if not, common sense suggests that if the ticket has no journeys left (single or inbound half of a return) there is no possible way of it being reused.
This seems to have improved lately. The clocks are fast on the ticket gates at Sandymount, so when I validated a ticket at 0820 this morning (clock said 0825) and got on a train immediately, the ticket worked to let me out at Pearse at around 0827.
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Old 21-01-2010, 16:53   #26
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The new ticket gates at Greystones are causing a bit of hassle. Today I saw two people insert their ticket at the same time at two different validators both tickets got stuck and didn't come out thus the gate didn't open.A bit of queue formed as two gates were stuck and another was out of service leaving just one gate working. I have heard a good few reports of tickets not coming out and seen quite a few tickets failing, including my monthly ticket which completely failed and would not work in any gates in any station! These gates have been in situ since October surely by now they should have fixed all the bugs.
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Old 22-01-2010, 12:07   #27
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Originally Posted by fergn View Post
The new ticket gates at Greystones are causing a bit of hassle. Today I saw two people insert their ticket at the same time at two different validators both tickets got stuck and didn't come out thus the gate didn't open.A bit of queue formed as two gates were stuck and another was out of service leaving just one gate working. I have heard a good few reports of tickets not coming out and seen quite a few tickets failing, including my monthly ticket which completely failed and would not work in any gates in any station! These gates have been in situ since October surely by now they should have fixed all the bugs.
they're also causing hassle in the evening due to the layout of the station and the infrequency (and consequent heavy loadings) of arriving trains. They've only had them activated a few times, but each time its caused a major backup of people on the platforms (something that happens to a lesser extent anyway).

to sum up - the new ticket gates are sh!t.
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Old 04-03-2010, 09:39   #28
Thomas Ralph
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I wonder is there any chance of us getting a software modification to have a clearer indication of when a gate is accepting smartcards only or accepting paper tickets only? Perhaps the arrow could change to red or yellow.
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Old 04-03-2010, 09:43   #29
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Yellow arrow has been requested for smartcard only
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Old 09-03-2010, 18:45   #30
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Default Ticket Corrupt

My trusty old monthly ticket failed 4 days ago and now is not being accepted by any gate in any station, it just does the little in and out dance before showing 'ticket failed'. Fair enough but I have had 3 other monthly tickets go the same way. All work perfectly for a week or so then I put it into the ticket gate at Greystones then they all fail. Now I have to push my way through on somebody elses ticket to exit at Greystones. My question is am I entitled to a replacement ticket? The ticket in question is a student season monthly rail only.
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Old 09-03-2010, 19:47   #31
Mark Gleeson
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You can ask for a replacement though it is unlikely to be replaced

Smartcards are coming for monthly tickets and this problem goes away, they will even be able to cancel a lost ticket and replace it for a small charge
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Old 09-03-2010, 20:22   #32
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I figured that they probably won't replace it. I heard smartcards are being released to the public next month. Is this true?
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Old 09-03-2010, 21:34   #33
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Sorry if this is a totally stupid question, but why wouldn't IE replace it? If the card is defective or no longer works, surely it's the passengers right to have it replaced?
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Old 10-03-2010, 07:38   #34
Thomas Ralph
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Originally Posted by al2637 View Post
Sorry if this is a totally stupid question, but why wouldn't IE replace it? If the card is defective or no longer works, surely it's the passengers right to have it replaced?
Legally, buying a ticlet is a purchase of services, not goods. The right to repair/refund/replacement doesn't come into it. What you've bought is the right to travel on such and such a train or series of trains, and as long as they give you that right (by opening the gates manually for you) you don't really have a comeback. The ticket is not what you have bought; it is evidence of what you've bought, if that makes sense.

Mark will correct me if I'm wrong on this one, but I think the only season tickets going onto smartcards at the moment are taxsaver tickets, so students will have to struggle on with the magnetic stripes for now.
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Old 10-03-2010, 12:23   #35
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I understand completely that I have purchased a ticket for the right to travel on a train and if they honour that right then I have no reason to complain. The reason for my complaint is the hassle of not being able to use my ticket to open the gate. The person in the ticket office in Greystones controls the gate so far I have had no problems but there have been a few instances where the ticket office is empty therefore there is nobody to open the gate so I have rely on another passenger to allow me through.
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Old 11-03-2010, 14:13   #36
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Would it not be the case that legally, IE are in a questionable position where they are detaining somebody against their will where that person is in possession of a valid ticket.

There is something going on with the readers in Connolly. I have never in six years' commuting had a ticket fail. I changed station to Connolly just before Christmas and the ticket lasted 3 weeks. I got a replacement about a month ago and that has given up already.

So you have queue up to get out the one gate which is half blocked by an IE staff member who is usually not even looking at tickets but is instead chatting with his mate.
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Old 11-03-2010, 14:59   #37
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They're not detaining anyone as long as they provide a way for them to get out, whether that's a manual gate, an intercom, or whatever.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a ludicrous situation; it just doesn't seem to be illegal.
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Old 26-03-2010, 14:59   #38
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I'm on my 4th ticket this year. First they tried to say I had it near a magnet! I told that it was kept in my chest pocket with my work id. Then it failed again so they told me my work id must be causing it. Since then it has failed twice more. No other magnetic material near it. There is one common thing though, everytime it failed it was after passing through Connolly gates!!
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Old 22-04-2010, 07:49   #39
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yesterday and this morning they stopped everyone and made them put the ticket in the machine before they let anyone through. The queue was getting larger and people were getting more irate, myself included at this. We knew our tickets didn't work in the machines but they refused to let anyone who had an annual ticket through without seeing it for themselves.

What make me even more annoyed is that I got a new ticket on monday I walked from the taxsaver office and placed it in the machine in connolly and it failed first time... it was no near any magnetic material between the office and the ticket validator...it has not worked since... ticket no 5!

Did someone get bribed to put this system into place? or is it the new strategy to annoy commuters further... has this system works successfully in any other country?
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Old 22-04-2010, 12:45   #40
James Howard
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Default Same experience here

I commuted through Grand Canal Dock and Pearse for the last five years and never had a ticket fail. We moved office just before Christmas and now have to go through Connolly.

My first ticket failed after two weeks in Connolly and I got a replacement through the very nice and helpful people in the office on Sheriff street. That lasted one week.

I didn't bother getting it replaced until yesterday when they were hassling everyone. I think the best policy is to get it replaced every time I get hassled. We'll see how long this one lasts.

I keep mine in a seperate wallet which also contains an Oyster card for London transport and a Dublin Bikes card but I always take the RF cards out when I use them, so I don't think that could be the culprit.

If this one dies, I'll try the replacement in a completely seperate wallet and see how I get on.
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