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Old 31-08-2006, 19:42   #181
Derek Wheeler
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I received this info this morning, but can't confirm with visible proof. The next 24 hrs tell all.
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Old 01-09-2006, 14:25   #182
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson
Latest info indicated the following trains where operated by the new MK4 coaches this morning

5:30 Cork Dublin
9:30 Cork Dublin

We await confirmation of this long promised change its been put off several times
I was on the 07:24 from Portlaoise yesterday which assume was the 05:30 and it was a new train also this morning the 07:24 was a new train. On Wednesday evening the 7pm to Portlaoise was a new train (but VERY delayed) and last night the 9pm was a new train although the dining car service was from the staff entrance because they couldn't open the padlock on the shutters....
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Old 01-09-2006, 15:38   #183
Mark Gleeson
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This confirms our info, as such the following trains should be run by the MK4 sets effective immediately

From Cork
5:30, 9:30, 13:30, 15:30, 19:30
From Dublin
9:00, 11:00, 15:00, 19:00, 21:00

Citygold services remain on the old MK3 sets

From Cork
7:00, 11:30, 17:30
From Dublin
7:00, 13:00, 17:00

As a result of this it is likely that the following trains will be upgraded to MK3 operation, 9:10 Dublin Galway and return, 9:50 Dublin Limerick and return, in the evening either the 17:55 or 19:05 to Galway will swap as will the 17:30 to Limerick. It also means no more cravens in service apart from Ballina
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Old 01-09-2006, 15:57   #184
Mark Gleeson
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We have been told that there have been numerous incidents of trains leaving Dublin in the morning with toilets locked out of use since no one could be bothered to empty the tanks. When you consider the new trains spend less than half the day in service surely someone could empty the tanks

The tank level is indicated on the coach control panel top left, I've seen it show more than half full when entering service which isn't on

We will be out on the ground on Saturday just hope the suspension is better since it was fairly rotten last few times
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Old 04-09-2006, 12:55   #185
Colm Donoghue
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Default customer feed back on the new CDE's

A lad I work with travels to Heuston from Portlaoise.
I was asking him if he got the new train this morning,
his answer: "No but I got it there one day last week. Nice Jacks, still bumpy as ever. And the tables are well smaller too. Ah I suppose it looks nice but it's the same really. Aircon works too, now that its turning to winter and all!"
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Old 04-09-2006, 13:11   #186
Mark Gleeson
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The space seat to seat is the same the table is smaller, I measured, upside is you can get in and out a lot easier

The AC isn't what it used to be it lacks that wonderful chrisp feeling it had back in May

Ride is ****e and I mean that I've been on a DART at 60mph and had a smoother ride that this yoke, if IE are reading don't forget RSC it shouldn't make the passengers feel ill
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Old 04-09-2006, 14:09   #187
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Originally Posted by colmd
A lad I work with travels to Heuston from Portlaoise.
I was asking him if he got the new train this morning,
his answer: "No but I got it there one day last week. Nice Jacks, still bumpy as ever. And the tables are well smaller too. Ah I suppose it looks nice but it's the same really. Aircon works too, now that its turning to winter and all!"
He probably didn't get the new train this morning because the 0741 left before the 0724.... The new train seems to be late all the time
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Old 04-09-2006, 16:54   #188
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Oh dear.

My first trip on the new train today (15:30 from Cork, got on at Mallow as was travelling from Tralee), and there are bits falling off on my carriage...
Name:  newtrainsarebroke.jpg
Views: 1357
Size:  24.8 KB
sorry for the grainy picture, it's one of the light fittings on the ceiling. With all the swaying I really thought it was going to fall off at one point...

Not really much to add to all the posts here but just to say that the ride was worst between Mallow and Limerick Junction, but it may just be that we were going fastest on that section
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Old 04-09-2006, 17:23   #189
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Question Craven Cottage Trains

Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson
As a result of this it is likely that the following trains will be upgraded to MK3 operation, 9:10 Dublin Galway and return, 9:50 Dublin Limerick and return, in the evening either the 17:55 or 19:05 to Galway will swap as will the 17:30 to Limerick. It also means no more cravens in service apart from Ballina
Is a "craven" the same as a "slam door." One of these dinosaurs leaves Galway at 0530ish, goes back at 11:10 and returns to Dublin at 15:00 to be the 19:10 that you all love and cherish. I am going out to have a pint to celebrate the day they dump that.

I thought the old cork trains were being used to increase the frequency on other lines?
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Old 04-09-2006, 17:35   #190
Mark Gleeson
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I'll take money on that being coaches 4101-4105 the ones that hit the cow, the light fittings came off in some coaches, I recognise the head.......

If you where lucky to find a 100mph capable train Charleville area is full flat out, enjoy the stop in Charleville that isn't in the timetable ?

5:30 ex Galway should be a MK2d with added rust, the cravens are more or less gone now (narrower door, and openable windows) it should be MK3 shortly

Edit: Given the 15:30 arrives 18:25 how did Thomas post at 17:54?, twas the 13:30 me thinks

Last edited by Mark Gleeson : 05-09-2006 at 09:08.
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Old 04-09-2006, 18:06   #191
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Originally Posted by Thomas Bibby
Oh dear.

My first trip on the new train today (15:30 from Cork, got on at Mallow as was travelling from Tralee), and there are bits falling off on my carriage...
Attachment 275
sorry for the grainy picture, it's one of the light fittings on the ceiling. With all the swaying I really thought it was going to fall off at one point...

Not really much to add to all the posts here but just to say that the ride was worst between Mallow and Limerick Junction, but it may just be that we were going fastest on that section
£@#%ing hell, the Mk2d are in better shape than that

Oisin88, there are two types of "slam door" coach sets on the network at the moment.

The first is the Craven coaches. These date from the 1960s and feature openable windows (no aircon) and are accompanied by a decrepit looking guards van dating from the 1950s.

The second, and more common, are Mk2d (Mark 2 series, version D) coaches that on the outside look similar to the Mk3, featuring sealed windows and matching generator vans. The Mk2d coaches were made in 1972.

Both types of slam door trains can be quickly identified by their black roofs.
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Old 05-09-2006, 13:54   #192
Mark Gleeson
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The 13:30 Cork Dublin suffered a suspension failure yesterday and travelled back at 60mph, second confirmed occassion that this has occured

Still awaiting confirmation of the exact fault
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Old 05-09-2006, 15:38   #193
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That's the one I was on. (yes I know I said 15:30 in post above, was confused).

Train wasn't late anyway...
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Old 05-09-2006, 20:07   #194
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Originally Posted by Mark Gleeson
5:30 ex Galway should be a MK2d with added rust, the cravens are more or less gone now (narrower door, and openable windows) it should be MK3 shortly
Mk3 has arrived!!!! weyhey. Todays 15:00 was a Mk3. The Mk2D slam doors are gone!
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Old 05-09-2006, 22:13   #195
Derek Wheeler
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Old 05-09-2006, 22:51   #196
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Originally Posted by Oisin88
The Mk2D slam doors are gone!
Could we (the Sligo line) have them?
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Old 06-09-2006, 12:15   #197
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I was talking to some people on the train this morning about the new trains. Vomit Comet was the name that came up. I like it. Can it be the new official name unitl they fix the suspension?
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Old 06-09-2006, 12:28   #198
Mark Gleeson
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I've been using it for weeks

I'm looking into avenues to force IE into corner

Its a real pity since myself and Derek know the ride can be really good
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Old 06-09-2006, 12:31   #199
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Originally Posted by sandraoh
I was talking to some people on the train this morning about the new trains. Vomit Comet was the name that came up. I like it. Can it be the new official name unitl they fix the suspension?
welcome to my world
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Old 06-09-2006, 14:23   #200
Mark Gleeson
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Sandra are you still getting the travel sickness effect?

We have confirmed sets 4002 and 4003 have the werid ride (been on both), no word on 4001 or 4004

If people do experience an unpleasant ride it would be helpful to know the number of any of the coaches involved so we can keep an eye on things, broken toilets, loose fittings etc
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