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Unread 22-01-2008, 22:37   #1
Derek Wheeler
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Default Article - Dublin informer - Pay Parking

From the Dublin Informer.



By Derek Wheeler

It’s claimed that Ireland is a low tax economy, but you really could be excused for doubting it when you examine the various “hidden taxes” that lurk in the underbelly of Irish society. We may pay a low rate of income tax, but we are penalised for it in many other ways by both the Government and service providers. Just look at the price of fuel. Since 2004 the average price of a litre of diesel has increased by 30 cent. New road tax levies will see huge increases in the cost of taxing many vehicles and we are told that it’s in the interest of the environment. So you may decide that reducing your carbon footprint is the way to go. Public transport is the answer, you say. I’ll save a fortune on fuel costs by driving to my local train station, is the mantra kicking around inside your head. Think again.


The Celtic Tiger is being eaten by the rip-off rattlesnake and it’s having a feeding frenzy at your local railway station car park. Not content with requesting fare increases on an annual basis and benefiting from a Government subsidy, Irish Rail have joined the ranks of car park gods. The days of parking your car and taking the train now comes at a price in excess of your train ticket. Car Park charges are being rolled out across Dublin train stations and the message from Irish Rail is, if you don’t like it, lump it. The average charge is €2 per day or €5 per week. In a recent radio interview Barry Kenny, spokesperson for Irish Rail said that this charge has been introduced to deter non train users from parking in station car parks and is also required to pay for the car park upgrades. A spokesperson for passenger representative group, Rail Users Ireland, rejected Mr. Kenny’s comments.” If Irish Rail was serious about stopping non train users from parking in station car parks, then why don’t they simply introduce barriers that are operated by your rail ticket.” said Thomas Stamp.” Anyway the price is too low to discourage the non rail using motorist. It’s a blatant revenue generating exercise.” he added. Rail Users Ireland has also pointed out that the Department of Transport has a fund for building and upgrading park and ride facilities.

Unsustainable demand

In the long term it’s very hard to see how we can continue sustaining the demand for car parking spaces at our rail stations. CIE Chairman, John Lynch has claimed that better park and ride facilities will prevent cars entering the city. Obviously he is unaware of the huge congestion that is now evolving around many railway stations. We are simply shifting the problem elsewhere. In many cases the local road network is incapable of dealing with it. It could be seen as somewhat bizarre that the head of Irelands national transport company is promoting and encouraging car usage, when the real solution is to provide dedicated local feeder buses that offer commuters a viable alternative for accessing rail services. Furthermore, we shouldn’t be afraid to subsidise these bus services. Subsidy doesn’t have to be a dirty word if it provides a workable solution that improves the quality of people’s lives and negates the need to clog up local roads with cars heading to the train station. Charging for the honour of parking is simply a method to capitalise on people’s dependency. It’s not a solution. It’s a greedy penalty.
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