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Unread 20-05-2006, 22:51   #1
Derek Wheeler
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Default I knew I should have went out!

Before ThomasJ gets in, I'm gonna say it.........EUROVISION!!

Holy Sh**e! What the hell was that from Finland??? Most of the ahem..."songs" were, as usual, awful. But that Finland job was just taking the p**s.....badly. I know my metal and that effort was pure crap. It had more novelty than a matinee performance by Westlife. Made Slipknot look credible.
Obviously the "backward" music tastes of large parts of eastern Europe loved it and Ireland and the UK voted highly for it coz it has been doing the rounds and I think its safe to say that we have moved on from taking this outdated "contest" seriously. Im still laughing, but that could be the 2 bottles of vino.

Anyway, block voting is alive and well. I'd read about it and can honestly say that I havent watched Eurovision since the last time we won it with some little nimp singing in a nauseating high pitched tone. Can't remember her name. But I couldn't believe the sheer cheek of eastern europe and its isolationist mentality in the voting.............(opening third bottle)......when did all that lot start coming into it???

Bottom line and my uninformed and inebreated opinion on it. Eastern Europe and Scandinavia still thinks Heavy metal is relevent

And Eastern bloc countries wouldn't recognise a decent song if it bit them on the you know what! I can forgive them for that. But Scandanavia needs to start copin on a bit. Ah lads, Come on will ya. If its not poppy crap,(Roxette, A-Ha, overrated ABBA) its outdated, over acted and badly written muck posing as heavy metal, which was never great in its day anyway, except for a few pioneers, who have since realised that its had its day and its time to cut the hair and hang up the fender bender. Sure didn't that Scando band, Europe, get conscripted into an army so they couldn't inflict anymore pain on us? Final countdown alright......to oblivion. Thank God!

I say we bring back Johnny Logan and Dana next year. They can be a double act called LOGANS NUN. Johnny can dress up as a crazed monk with Dana in the black and white gear. Throw in a couple of guitars, few bottles of whiskey, a whip, some chains, a chainsaw and a cement mixer. Then we can sit back and watch Ireland blow the heads of eastern Europe and Scandanavia with an act of musical anarchy, wanton debauchery and total pandamonium.

At least Munster performed and won in an unbiased and relevent arena today. For that we can be thankful.

Time to leave the Eurovision to the newcomers and musically challenged countries. They've 30 years catching up to do and I think they need it.

I blame Bucks Fizz.
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Unread 20-05-2006, 23:29   #2
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I saw 2 types of votes in Eurovision.

Votes for the voting country's neighbors, and votes for Finland.

No the Finns effort wasn't great but IMO Eurovision standards have been falling over the past 5 years and I think the viewers liked the refreshing change from all the glitzy flash with very uninspiring pop songs.
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Unread 20-05-2006, 23:38   #3
Derek Wheeler
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Originally Posted by sean
I think the viewers liked the refreshing change from all the glitzy flash with very uninspiring pop songs.
But the winning entry was just an uninspiring piece of over the top slipknot rip off crap.

The European Broadcasting Union should donate this contest to Eastern Europe and Scandanavia. That would leave the rest of us to watch a decent movie on a certain Saturday night every May and listen to "music" that was created by people who have some semblence of a tune.
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Unread 20-05-2006, 23:40   #4
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That's my point. It may not have been great, but it was different.

And no point in bashing the Scandinavians, didn't we send the worst song in history to the Ukraine last year?
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Unread 21-05-2006, 12:51   #5
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Lordi are just a poor man's GWAR.*

Look up GWAR un wikipedia.
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Unread 21-05-2006, 14:25   #6
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Googling Eurovision reveals that Italy ceased entering in 1997 as they reckon it's a total crock. I think we should do the same. I watched it on the Beeb as Wogan is hilarious in his commentary. He cracked up at one pont and couldn't stop laughing (at the Greek 'shadow puppets' part of the interval show).
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