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Unread 12-08-2018, 20:30   #1
Ireland trains
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Default Irish rail projects

Lots of sources is from modern railways.
I have some questions and would be great if people know the answer.
Will the new limerick JN platform be behind the 2nd or third line away from the existing platform.
Also will the new waterford station that got consent on the north quay be on the city side on the river or the existing side. Will this add time to the journey from dublin.
The artical in modern railways (july) is about the new fleet timeline says that the first batch won't be ordered till 2019 and arrive till 2023 before thry are delayed. Could they not just base them off a british design and make the neccesary changes. Will it be more likley these trains will be more like the existing darts or commuters on the interior. Hopefully the seats aren't like the themslink 700 class.
When will the new enterprise fleet be ordered ( if it happens) and would they likley be in 7 car formation.

Lastly are all the mkiv fleet in use at the moment and will irish rail actuall looking to run locomotive hauled 8200 class coaches as it says they will in modern railways.
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Unread 12-08-2018, 21:10   #2
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In terms of the stations...

The new platform at Limerick Junction will be opposite the main platform (used by Cork/Dublin trains). I quote from the site notice

"The development will consist of the construction of a new platform, including passenger shelters and furniture, platform lighting, fencing and drainage and all associated works - to the north east of the existing platform(s). The new platform will be accessed via a new covered passenger footbridge, with 2 no. stairs and 2 no. lifts. Ancillary platform equipment including customer information systems and signage, will be provided on both the new and existing platforms. Limerick Junction Railway Station is a protected structure."

Not sure but would imagine the track may be reconfigured - someone else may be able to assist with this info.

A previous thread on the topic

The proposed relocated Waterford (Plunkett) station would be a few hundred metres along the South Wexford (Wellingtonbridge/Rosslare) line east of the current station.

As there is already some "padding" in the timetable (charter minutes as they were termed some years ago in the UK) particularly southbound to Waterford from Thomastown there is no reason journey times on the Dublin line should increase (they shouldn't increase on the South Tipp line either). The approach to Waterford however is rather slow and perhaps this can be looked at as part of the overall project.
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Unread 12-08-2018, 22:09   #3
Ireland trains
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Thank you for the answer
They limerick junction question inmeant was
Down line _______________________
Up line _______________________
Loop line -- _______________--
Platform ■■■■■■■
Will the new platform be beside the down line with 3 tracks between the 2 platforms (like kildare i think)

Platform ■■■■■■■■■■■
Down line ___________________________
Up line ___________________________
Loop line --_____________________--
Platform ■■■■■■■■■■
or will they get rid of the down line and put a platform in its place

Platform _____ ■■■■■■■■ ______
New down line __ --___________________--____
New up line --_____________--
Platform ■■■■■■
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Unread 12-08-2018, 22:29   #4
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Limerick J will be like Kildare and have 3 running lines between both platforms (loop up), (up fast) and (down fast). Access to the current main platform will be maintained after the new one is added and like Mallow when possible up/down will be via the loop to ease connections.
The proposed relocated Waterford (Plunkett) station would be a few hundred metres along the South Wexford (Wellingtonbridge/Rosslare) line east of the current station.

As there is already some "padding" in the timetable (charter minutes as they were termed some years ago in the UK) particularly southbound to Waterford from Thomastown there is no reason journey times on the Dublin line should increase (they shouldn't increase on the South Tipp line either). The approach to Waterford however is rather slow and perhaps this can be looked at as part of the overall project.
On the assumption there will be a new CTC signalling system, there would be no justification for longer journey times and 50 mph + should be allowed towards Waterford West with complete relay but knowing Irish Rail I wouldn't put an extra few minutes past them.

Last edited by Jamie2k9 : 12-08-2018 at 22:37.
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Unread 13-08-2018, 09:51   #5
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I hope Dublin-Limerick passengers the appreciate the haul up and over the running lines from the new platform to the Limerick connection, which will replace the present easy cross-platform connection. A couple of wheelchair-confined passengers will ensure that the interval between arrival of the down Cork and departure of the connection to Limerick will take much longer than at present.

As for Waterford, any new station will not be as close to the bridge so that's one inconvenience. Given that passenger trains will have to run along the present through road (deemed unsafe since the rockfall), why not spend some money on additional rockfall protection and leave the station where it is? Use the savings to automate a few more level crossings and save on operational costs.

Irish Rail projects may be well-engineered, but are often hopelessly inappropriate.
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Unread 13-08-2018, 11:37   #6
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As for Waterford, any new station will not be as close to the bridge so that's one inconvenience. Given that passenger trains will have to run along the present through road (deemed unsafe since the rockfall), why not spend some money on additional rockfall protection and leave the station where it is? Use the savings to automate a few more level crossings and save on operational costs.

Irish Rail projects may be well-engineered, but are often hopelessly inappropriate.
As part of the relocation, 12 million will be spent on the rock face. The project is not anything to do with Irish Rail (no funding/design) but they support it. The plan is Goverment are giving around 20 million towards it and most will be on the rock with the remaining costs funded by developer.

The location is opposite the bus station via a pedestrian/bus only bridge and of course new road access in Ferrybank. We shall see what movement there will be next year as An Bord Pleanala cleared the SDZ back in June to allow final planning take place.

One could argue why the 12 million cannot be spent now and return main platform into use in the meantime.

Last edited by Jamie2k9 : 13-08-2018 at 11:43.
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Unread 13-08-2018, 18:55   #7
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I assume that the cost of the new Bus/pedestrian bridge is in addition to the €20m you mention. Given the breadth and depth of the River Suir at that point you are talking something nearer to €100m than €20m.

Value for money???
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Unread 13-08-2018, 23:33   #8
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Originally Posted by ACustomer View Post
I assume that the cost of the new Bus/pedestrian bridge is in addition to the €20m you mention. Given the breadth and depth of the River Suir at that point you are talking something nearer to €100m than €20m.

Value for money???
Goverment only paying 60 million towards infrastructure. If it all comes off it will be excellent value for money and a true transport hub.

See Details:
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Unread 03-07-2019, 16:00   #9
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I just saw the new platform at Limerick Junction yesterday: virtually no sign of anyone working on site, apart from a digger which was probably clearing the rubble form the demolished engine shed.

The new platform is very exposed to the elements: I hope that Irish Rail do a better job at sheltering waiting passengers than they do on the Cork suburban or the recently renovated Limerick platforms.

Any firm estimate of the commissioning date for the new Limerick Jcn platform? Irish Rail seem to take ages to do some simple projects.
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Unread 04-07-2019, 13:26   #10
Mark Gleeson
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December timetable change should be in operation.
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Unread 05-07-2019, 13:16   #11
James Shields
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Irish Rail have a strange habit of putting elaborate infrastructure in for what are expected to be temporary stations (Docklands), but bare platforms in what should be major stations (the newer platforms in Cork spring to mind).
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Unread 08-07-2019, 12:47   #12
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Surly it will be in ad-hoc operation in the next few weeks. It's more less completed apart from last few bits relating to bridge.

It is not unreasonable to provide an amended Cork-Dublin timetable from September without impacting the whole network because it's largely southbound services which will benefit. Additionally there has been minor speed adjustments on sections of Cork/Dublin recently and probably more due long before December.

* 17.00 to Cork loses 5-6 minutes with scheduled stop outside Limerick J and delayed 17.25 ex Cork almost daily.
* 06.15 ex Cork can be up to 8 minutes ahead of schedule passing Portlaoise and still arrive in Dublin late because of the terrible scheduling job done when introduced.

IE's record of a schedule changes over the last few years is add a few minutes here and there usually to ensure OTP remains intact so no reason to wait until December unless they are finally going to provide an updated timetable to reflect useful adjustments since the current 2013 schedule.
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Unread 09-07-2019, 08:15   #13
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As the new L Jcn platform simply removes a constraint on current operations it could usefully be be brought into operation when conflicts or delays might arise (as with the 1700 ex Heuston). Careful observation of how long it takes passengers to make it over the bridge to the Limerick connection would give very useful information for the detailed timings in the new December schedule.
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Unread 09-07-2019, 16:15   #14
Mark Gleeson
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Current on time performance of the Dublin Cork is poor, very poor in fact so this bridge will bring us back to normal.

The bridges needs a full fit out, lifts etc so its not magically going to open soon.
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