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Unread 08-08-2006, 16:32   #158
Mark Gleeson
Technical Officer
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Coach C, Seat 33
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Since day one we have had talk of werid suspension problems on day 0 May 22nd we all piled on for a trip to Thurles and it was pretty good, very good

On July 10th we went to Cork on the press run and it got quite giddy on the way back it got entertaining to say the least I was in liquid lunch mode so the ride was the last thing on our minds but it was bad bad enough for the catering staff to complain when pouring the wine

I made a trip July 27th and due to a suspension fault the train crawled along at 60mph and even then it was bumpy

The grapevine is alive with talk of what is going on some blame the train some blame the track some blame the locomotive next thing they will blame the phases of the moon. I could go knee deep into technical blurb but there is no need

The onboard systems give trouble possible the PIS was not programmed for a bank holiday thence the confusion, current issue is they don't do reboots of the computer while in motion since it takes everything off, computer is not needed for the train to move

A word from the wise, there is a recognised medical condition which may trigger nausea, travel sickness etc
1) Travel back to direction of travel
2) Low frequency vibration transmitted through body, a given on a 23m long coach with bad suspension
3) High speed corners the illusion of tilt by banking combined with eyes and ears getting confused by seeing the corner and not feeling it can lead to it

Normally this only applies on perfect compensation tilting trains i.e. the one British Rail had in the 1980's they worked out it made people sick since the mind got confused signals
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