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Unread 20-07-2006, 12:53   #150
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 585

The MK3 7:30pm Cork-Dublin on Sunday was horribly hot.

Seemed the AC was out in at least 50% of the coaches. If you walked along the train some were cool others were just unbarably warm.

Anytime I board a MK3 I arrive early and leave the coach if I can't hear the AC fans running and find one where they are.

Also, our coach's AC seemed to run, then stop then the coach would get really hot.. then it'd clunk back into service again and cool down.

Seems they're controlled by a rather primative thermostat much like a domestic central heating system rather than proper AC system.

BREL's AC spec is just very poor generally. Same with their UK MK3 cousins, dire AC.
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