Originally Posted by Dubpete1
Just a quick query here...going to write the letter (for what its worth) to Irish Rail. Anybody in particular I should address it to where I might get some response?
Thanks in advance,
Send it to Barry Kenny in Connolly station. In your letter state the fact that you have contacted P11 and we recommend that you send the complaint directly to him and you expect a decent outcome to what is a very important complaint about the way you were treated. You may quote my name if you wish. Barry reads the board and will now be expecting your letter and I trust he will deal with it in a satisfactory manner. If not, please get back to us. We are snowed under with passenger complaints that go unresolved and until P11 and IE can find some workable system to cooperate on these matters, I fear the shambles will continue.(We are currently taking steps to address this with management and expect more news by the end of the Summer) We still await the new "call centre" that was mentioned by IE management in March. IE enagaging with us should not be seen as a failure, but rather an attempt to recognise representative bodies and project a willingness to address complaints through any means possible.
Get the letter off Pete and don't be afraid to post it here.