yes spot on. An orbital metro does seem like a good idea.
I was more thinking that this metro north is a frightfull waste of money.
There are already many long mostly straight routes through the city. Where they do curve , the road is paricularly wide in some cases. I think there is every reason to think that there is space to accomodate doubled up trams (or the doubled up extended trams in porto).
Consider the cost benefit. i think that three or four doubled tramlines could be far better than one underground doubled up tramline. With that level of service you could severely restrict car access. I think we are paying a few billion extra because the governement doesnt have the balls. For all their other faults ,the french ...
I just keep coming back to the interconnector. Because it is proper heavy rail it just has oodles of capacity it should be the priority , not this back of the hand job.
Is it just me ?