I would even go as so far to say that any new Luas paltforms be built to 90m spec or capable of 90m.
I certainly agree there's a strong argument for this in any off-street Luas sections. Any on-street sections where two or more lines share track would also benefit from this, as it would allow two trams to stop at the same time in a shared section. In some areas where there are space sonstraints, however, requiring 90m platforms would offer no real benefit, but make it seriously difficult to to fit stations in.
Have we seen any details on the designs of the Luas extensions? I would hope that platforms could be 50m for C1 and BX (let's face it, on-street Metro in the city centre is not something we're looking for), and 90m for the B1 extrnsion to Cherrywood. Somehow I doubt the last point is in the current plans.
I know its slightly off topic and may need to be in the members area but waht are the chances of this happening with the metro
This was a serious concern with the early Metro proposals, but after P11 kicked up a fuss about 2 or 3-car Metro trains, the spec has changed to allow vehicles up to 90m long, which I think should be sufficient capacity for the long term needs of the city. You won't be guaranteed a seat at rush hour, but that's the case all over the world.