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Unread 08-07-2006, 10:19   #1
Mark Gleeson
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Default [article] CCTV to play key role in sex-on-DART inquiry

Originally Posted by Irish Independent
CCTV to play key role in sex-on-DART inquiry

IARNROD Eireann is to have a full investigation into reports that a couple high on drugs had sex on a DART earlier this week.

Spokesman Barry Kenny said the incident was the first of its type reported to the transport company, and that CCTV footage would be examined with a view to taking a prosecution.

"It wasn't reported to us directly and as far as we can gather it's the first time it's happened on the DART," he said yesterday.

"We have to establish if CCTV was on the DART, but it was clearly an isolated incident. We will look at CCTV footage and see if they can be identified with a view to taking a prosecution."

The couple could be prosecuted under the Criminal Law (Sexual) Act, which has a charge of indecency.

They could also be charged under the Public Order Act with threatening, insulting or abusive behaviour.
Irish Independent 2006

Not the first time, certainly others have tired this

What odds on the train not have CCTV but the PA saying it does?
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