Thread: Friday Food
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Unread 07-07-2006, 12:03   #31
Thomas J Stamp
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Default Now with a real recipie.....

Veal with Blackened Sage Butter.

A very simple quick and stylis dish served a Jacket Potato and some Onion Relish.

Veal Steak, Thinly cut, about 4oz per person
Fresh sage leaves
Butter 200 grams
1 lemon.
Salt and white pepper

Place your veal on a piece of clingfilm and cover with another, bash it good with your weapon of choice until its about the thickness of say 2 pound coins. You don't have to be precise.

Heat up, a tablespoon of olive oil in a non stick frying pan on high. Place your seasoned veal in the pan and immediately turn off the heat, leave for 45 seconds and then turn it over. leave for 1 minute, then set aside under some foil.

Use the same pan and turn up the heat to high, when its really hot add the butter and sage leaves, when they are starting to brown add the lemon juice. BE CAREFUL! it will sizzle and spit, this process should take no more than 1 minute.

Add the juices from your meat to the sauce and nap the sauce over the meat serving immediately.

This dish really does benfit form keeping it simple and using only the best ingredients. If you like cook your veal a bit longer, but I like it rare, and more than 90 seconds a side will ruin about €7 worth of veal.
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