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Unread 22-03-2018, 18:43   #38
Mark Gleeson
Technical Officer
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Charlemont situation is going to be very messy

The line will have to be 3m below road level and then rise to 5m above, so 8m, 1 in 25 give you 200m needed and since platforms have to be level all this happens after the stop, so going to result in one or more permanent local road closures.

Some fairly ugly CPO here

Note the alignment avoids the former Irish Nationwide building which of course is being knocked and rebuilt, of course it would have been so much easier to do the station and the building together...

The tie in will require the demolition of the existing embankment so there won't be any Green line trams beyond Beechwood for a long time while this is done

I have very little trust in the drawings they are very much draft, didn't see anyone out there taking core samples to investigate the ground conditions
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