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Unread 09-09-2017, 19:33   #19
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: ar an traein
Posts: 602

Talking of Navan the latest incarnation of the bus service to the capital comes into effect tomorrow week (17/9/2017) with the introduction of route NX averaging a scheduled 1 hour and 4 minutes from the town’s Market Square to O’Connell Street (assuming no delays en route).

While the new bus timetable is probably the best that can be done with a multitude of traffic, operational and financial constraints ultimately it is only a sticking plaster solution and as sure as night follows day bus services on this corridor will be revised again and again in the years ahead.

My personal view is that a push ought to be made to have a commuter rail service on the existing line and I believe this could be accomplished for very little as ultimately all that is required is some work to the station at Navan, automation of Beauparc level crossing and some signalling work.

It is not the perfect solution but it is a satisfactory one and would be used. Given the present predicament of rail in the country it is extremely unlikely that the Phase 2 M3 Parkway - Navan line will get over the bar in even the medium to long-term.
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