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Unread 29-06-2016, 14:19   #30
James Shields
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Originally Posted by Mickey H View Post
Am I the only person who thinks they massively inflated the time needed in public information to make themselves look good with " an early finish" ?
I get sick of complaints about inflated project schedules when a project completes ahead of schedule. Every project needs a contingency period in case anything unpredictable happens, such as unearthing the grave of a 1916 general under O'Connell St. I suspect there was a "everything goes smoothly" plan, that reopened start of July, a "slight problems but nothing too serious" plan that runs to end of August, and a "dire straits" plan that ran to end of August. It makes sense to pick the middle plan for your published closure dates, and have (most) people happy when you finish early. If you publish the most optimistic timetable, then any slight problems and people are upset by the delay on top of the original disruption. If you have to run into the dire straits plan, hopefully you have enough evidence to back up your "we couldn't have predicted that" story.

Basically, it would be irresponsible not to allow some reasonable contingency in the project schedule.

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