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Unread 06-06-2016, 19:23   #244
Join Date: Dec 2008
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Posts: 602
Default Onward train from Rosslare off 18.00 arrival from Fishguard for summer

The 17.55 Rosslare Europort - Dublin Connolly (& 17.40 Sundays) are deferred to 18.35 daily from tomorrow (Tuesday 7th June) till Saturday 3rd September 2016 inclusive.

This will offer a connection out of the 14.30 sailing ex Fishguard arriving Rosslare Europort at 18.00.

That said the connectional window is tight to the extent that Stena Line are reluctant to actively promote the onward train. If passengers with a ticket to a station beyond Rosslare miss the train Stena Line tend to end up footing the onward transport or accommodation bill as there is no Irish Rail (railway rather than port) representative for such passengers to speak to since the information desk in the terminal closed in 2009/2010.

Even at Fishguard, where there is best practice in terms of ship and rail being integrated in the one facility there is usually (except Sunday afternoons towards Ireland) around an hour between ship arrival and train departure and vice versa.

At Europort it takes around five minutes from the ship coming alongside at 18.00 till the gangway is in situ. Then approximately a further five to walk along the elevated walkway to the terminal building proper and down the escalator/ramp to the front door.Then a further seven or so to the station. Those times assume brisk walking/reasonable level of fitness. Add to that time for immigration/Gardai/security checks or if one is collecting luggage from the luggage train at the front of the terminal. Plus time to buy a rail ticket at the entrance to the platform.

Through ticketing from stations in England and Wales to stations here was available throughout summer 2013 and 2014. Last year the through ticketing only became available at a late stage. Checking earlier this afternoon it is not yet available this year.

It genuinely comes across as if some/someone in authority wants to see the connection fail. The NTA are well aware of the issue with the connection but don't seem to care.

Incidentally the line that some are keen to pedal that nobody uses the train to connect to and from the ferries at Rosslare or that such traffic has dwindled does not hold true in my experience as I've seen the continental boat arrival mid-morning throw double digit numbers of passengers onto the platform. Granted there are fluctuations and quiet times but I've also been on DARTs which have been very quiet! Equally there is regular usage of the 16.37 to connect to the port. On a journey I made in recent weeks it took two trips of the shuttle bus to convey foot passengers to the Stena Europe. It was an off peak day. (Shuttle bus was in use as foot passenger gangway was out of action. It's now repaired and foot passengers board via the walkway from the first floor waiting lounge).

Of course if it was made easy to purchase tickets to travel to Wales traffic could be grown. There are students going to Carmarthen/Swansea. There are folk going on short breaks as well as people going on business - farm purchases/shows and the like. But despite there being staff in Wicklow, Arklow, Gorey etc SailRail tickets can't be issued at these stations and the only option is to purchase over the phone (a week ahead of travel at minimum as the ticket is posted out). I think this is no fault to the good personnel of these stations but because possibly issuing SailRail tickets can only be done by certain grades of staff.

Irish Rail could bus passengers from the terminal to station at 18.25hrs but the height barrier at the station car park essentially precludes this.

Timetable Alteration for Evening Rosslare Europort to Connolly Service

31 May 2016

Customers are advised that the following timetable changes will take place from the Tuesday 7th June until Saturday 3rd September.

The 17:55hrs service from Rosslare Europort to Dublin Connolly Monday to Saturday will be deferred until 18:35hrs.

The 17:40hrs service from Rosslare Europort to Dublin Connolly on a Sunday will be deferred until 18:35hrs.

Full information is available through the journey planner above and through our timetables section.

Iarnród Éireann apologise for any inconvenience these changes may cause.

Last edited by Traincustomer : 06-06-2016 at 19:58. Reason: typos & clarity
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