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Unread 27-03-2016, 13:42   #153
Really Really Regluar Poster
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Secondly, there is no internal feedback mechanism to indicate that the doors are locked or to warn a user that the lock hasn't been activated. This includes any audible signal.
How is this an issue, what do other units have in IE stating the same thing.

Do the buttons not have lights.

The signage in general is very hit and miss - certain doors have English evacuation instructions while others have Irish ones. Some buttons have English text above Irish and others vice-versa.
Not traveled yet but take a look next time and if the rest of IE's fleet is anything to go by it will be one door English, one door opposite Irish and alternative through the train.

Who do I inform? It isn't strictly a complaint about the journey but about my concerns that certain legal requirements aren't being met.
All legal requirements are been meet, most of what you mention is "choice"
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