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Unread 17-02-2016, 10:46   #6
James Shields
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Location: Drogheda, Ireland
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People are only resorting to Twitter because they don't get a response through other channels.

There needs to be a service that ensures an appropriate response at all times services are running, but particularly late at night when people are most likely to be drunk and rowdy. I would like a discrete sticker on every window of trains (and other public transport) with numbers to call or text in the event of antisocial or threatening behaviour, and assurances of a speedy response.

The sticker should include a unique reference for the train coach (or tram/bus) to quote in a call/message, and the operator should be able to identify the route and (hopefully) location, alert the driver, and if necessary arrange for Gardaƃ* to meet the train at the next station.

I realise outside the major cities Garda availability is likely to be a problem.
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