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Unread 13-02-2016, 09:26   #7
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Originally Posted by James Howard View Post
Given that they do seem to deteriorate over time I wouldn't be surprised if the underlying issue was something like moisture in the electrical connections between cars.
Whilst that may be the case with the 8500 class units, which have had problems for years and almost since introduction, their issues have been ongoing and have never been fixed, about 50% of the 8500 I am on have dead internal displays and it's very rare I find a unit with external, internal and announcements all working.

The 8100 systems have been very reliable and the only time they are incorrect is when the driver doesn't program the return journey when changing ends at a terminus. The problems with them appears to simply be caused by the software upgrade, the fact that units don't know Clongriffin exists is totally down to Irish Rail using an old station list or worse still, using an old software version to update with the Irish rather than the latest one.

It's no surprise that Siemens managed to fit a better system than Tokyu Car though, they used a very highly regarded company for all of the PIS systems.

Last edited by Dublin13 : 13-02-2016 at 09:41.
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