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Unread 02-02-2016, 09:26   #129
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Posts: 130

I never said that they were straightforward but there is a straightforward fix in the evening peak which Irish Rail refuse to do, so instead seeing as they are not interested in the easy fix, clearly other options have to be brought up.

All my dealings with Irish Rail have been unsatisfactory about the issue and they believe there is nothing wrong there, the fact that people are getting left behind often on the 17:58 appears not to bother them one iota..

If the 17:58 had the right number of carriages in line with capacity all of the rest would be irrelevant, but it doesn't and therefore the other issues are going to be brought up.

If they refuse to put into service any of the 20 something carriages sitting out they can always take two off the 6 car Howth that operates around that time, which carries a lot of fresh air.

Right now there are 14 cars to Howth going through Clontarf between 17:32 and 17:51. It might mean a passenger to Howth has to not have two seats to themselves for the whole journey or even may have to stand occasionally though.
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