I would have to say that this type of problem isn't by any means unique to Ireland and the UK. I have seen way more graphiti and damage on French, German and Spanish trains than I have noticed on IE's fleet. The DART's generally very clean and tidy compared to many commuter systems.
I remember an incident aboard a Spanish Cercanias (like the CAF commuters) where a kid spraypainted an entire internal window and slashed the seat with a knife!
I've also had a window smashed in by a flying brick outside Paris on an RER service.
I actually don't think irish passengers are all that tollerant of anti-social behaviour, during the day at least.
I saw a few teens "acting the maggot" on a DART a few days ago and a couple of old ladies gave them a seriously tough dressing down in the strongest old dublin granny way.
Last edited by MrX : 21-06-2006 at 11:27.