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Unread 10-06-2014, 20:33   #15
Really Really Regluar Poster
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Default Real Time Infomation

Since the new website launched, the real time infomation has not worked very well and I did submit feedback on it however nothing done.

Currently I use a third party app which shows the scheduled, estimated, location of a train service (where data coverage is picked up). IE own app is good as it shows the scheduled, estimated times of trains however without the location it is not easy to see if the train is exactly on time or just no coverage has being picked up.

The website just shows destination, train code, no ETA, no SCH or latest location like the old website. (one of the few good areas on it)

Example (website):
Dublin Heuston A229 SCH, ETA both just a - 34 mins

Unless you open the code you don't know where the service is coming from or if information is up to date as all it does is tick down to scheduled times.

Third Party app
19.20 Cork-Dublin Heuston A229 Scheduled 22.00 Estimated 22.03 Departed Cherryville Junction

IE's app shows services and +3 minutes

There doesn't seem to be any issues with real time on Connolly side however they really need to add location of services.
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