Jamie, 30 second stops are anything but common on Irish Rail - one of the trains I use daily typically spends over two minutes at every station and this is a suburban train !
Last monday we were stationary for 14 minutes over six stops on an overall journey of 55 minutes for little more than 30 miles.
On my last trip from Pearse to Howth only one stop was less than 30 seconds.
Ok maybe common isn't the word but it happens but one passenger didn't get off the train, how many managed to get off.
where was the person when the train started moving, at the door, making her way?
On Friday I was on a train and it was at least stopped for 1 minute and 30-40 passengers had managed to get off and then the final person was taking a day to get off the train until doors closed and the buggy got stuck.
At the same time we were running 18 minutes late to suit Irish Rails operational convenience which is now turning into a weekly thing.
What we need to know is the issue dwell times or lack of ticket machines and people turning up last minute to purchase tickets and drivers are doing the kind thing and waiting.
One major dwell time I have is drivers spend an insane amount of time at Thomastown where next to nobody uses the station.