My worry was that driver would have to come down to reset it hence delaying the train and making matters worse. In Edgeworthstown, the Garda station is unmanned outside office hours so I figured I would be best getting in touch with Longford and having them deal with it - Longford is less than 10 minutes from Edgeworthstown and has one of two properly functioning Garda stations in the county.
They didn't exactly refuse but when I tried to get off they didn't move out of the doorway they were sitting in. Discretion being the better part of valour, I decided to use another exit rather than risk getting assaulted. There was also another group of them at the other end of the car who would have seen me contacting the driver and the trolley was blocking me from going any further.
To get to the driver, I would have had to have walked up two cars and passed them and I think they had opened the door to have a smoke. As I knew the number was posted, I figured that was the better option. I did my civic duty and attempted to contact Irish Rail - I decided it was up to somebody else on the train to take it further after that didn't work.
I tried twitter as well but as yet, no response. They do really need to provide some sort of working number you can ring or text. It is not difficult to provide one number for the whole country. Either that or just tell people to ring 999. It is quite difficult to use the communications handle without putting yourself at risk.
Last edited by James Howard : 12-04-2014 at 10:56.