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Unread 12-04-2014, 01:00   #50
Really Really Regluar Poster
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Originally Posted by James Howard View Post
On a related note there were two groups of very boisterous lads on the 1705 to Sligo this evening who were getting louder as the journey went on. They had taken over a vestibule so nobody could use the toilets or exit through those doors. It wasn't so bad when I got off at Edgeworthstown to be worth pulling the emergency cord but it wasn't far from it. There was no ticket checker on that half of the train but I did see the trolley-pusher in the next car as I was getting off. He was steering well clear in case anybody asked him to do anything.

So, although the station was closed, I knew there was an anti-social behaviour number posted on the door so I decided to ring to see if they could get somebody at Longford to have a word - this number isn't displayed anywhere in the train. So after I got off the train I did this and was rewarded with a recorded announcement saying that the number was a general customer-service number and to ring back after 9:30 AM on Monday.

So you can only report anti-social behaviour at unmanned stations or driver-only trains during office hours. And now I wait for the Irish Rail defenders to suggest that me not pulling the cord and delaying the train for 10 minutes by requiring the driver to come down the train to reset it makes me some sort of irresponsible person.
Could this be classed as an "emergency"?

Now when you say took over the vestibule, did they refuse to let people through?

You could of reported it to the driver at a station when he was stopped and knocked on the door or even went out to the platform and walked up. IE's twitter is generally good and well watched even outside office hours and weekends for alerting central control to problems on services. You could of called a station en route and ask them to have a word with the driver.

Had you pulled the emergency handle if this situation, you should of being fined IMO. Now I do agree IE could do more for passengers reporting problems.
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