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Unread 26-03-2014, 11:59   #11
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Originally Posted by James Howard View Post
I wouldn't know the likelihood of being asked for a ticket type as I haven't bought a ticket from a booking office for years but the failure to ask which ticket type wouldn't surprise me. As I said, I would find it more surprising the that someone would chance their arm to save a fiver on a 50 euro ticket.

Anyway, Irish Rail have made themselves 140-odd euro out of this incident and probably permanently removed a dozen people as potential future revenue sources. I would also suggest that they possibly could have engaged with the Irish Times slightly more constructively.

I've only ever forgotten my commuter pass once in 10 years and I know most of the ticket collectors on the Sligo route so the guy kindly gave me a social welfare ticket on the day so I could get out after I offered to buy a day return. I would be a little worried that with the way they run things nowadays that I would be facing a 100 euro fine for my troubles.
I can assure you that it is (from my experience) an automatic question.

In the scenario above, I would imagine that you would be liable - you should have bought a ticket.

I can't do what you did if I forget my commuter ticket when travelling on Dublin Bus - I have to grin and bear the fact that I forgot it and pay the driver when I get on the bus (thankfully this has only happened once).

Last edited by berneyarms : 26-03-2014 at 12:01.
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