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Unread 10-03-2014, 20:26   #28
James Howard
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We can expect a decisive response from Irish Rail in the near future. They will be printing up large stickers with a phone number to ring which will be manned from 09:30 to 16:30 Monday to Thursday.

Joking aside, in all seriousness, a swift response in terms of security on board a large percentage if not all trains is required for the next few days. Obviously these lads decided that since the last lot got bail anything goes so I won't be surprised to see a spate of incidents. This incident appears to be a lot more serious as it seems a passenger was actually assaulted.

According to Irish Rail's twitter feed, the driver (and I presume by extension nobody at Irish Rail) was aware until they were contacted by the Gardai. Unbelievable. Also, I would hardly call 18:30 or so out of hours for a rail company.

Iarnród Éireann ‏@IrishRail 19m
@experteasy @rosslaregooner Our twitter feed is not always manned out if hours. The driver was not aware until the Gardai made contact
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