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Unread 08-03-2014, 23:51   #1
Join Date: Dec 2008
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Posts: 602
Default Discontinuation of Longford rail station-Drumlish-Arva-Cavan bus:

The longstanding bus service linking Longford rail station & town to Cavan Town via Drumlish, Arva, Crossdoney and smaller places along the way is destined to cease operation after the operation of the 18.00hrs Longford Rail Stn to Cavan Bus Station journey next Saturday, 15th March, 2014.

Operated by Wharton's Travel of Crossdoney since the 1970s, the route dates back to the earliest days of bus operation.

According to local media reports the service has been operating at a loss for some time. It receives a sum for the carriage of free travel pass holders but, appreciably, as a commercial service receives no subsidy. The operator is conscious of the importance of the route and has tried to keep it running but apparently can no longer sustain it.

Extensive efforts are underway in the areas concerned to retain a service of some description including an extremely well attended public meeting in Moyne last week and a petition.
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