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Unread 17-06-2006, 21:21   #104
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Posts: 707

The 071 class cannot run the CDE because they aren't capable of push-pull operation. It would be a simple matter to move the standard kit from a dead 121 or whatever but IE doesn't want to know about it. I think there's other stuff with the coupler as well, presumably age and horsepower (both worse on the 071) would also come into play.

Trying to compare the CDE to the 29Ks is like trying to compare a luxury long distance coach to a city articulated "bendy bus".
But if the company that made the bendy-bus made one with an uber-crappy ride and then built the luxury coach with a similar suspension, you'd have concerns too, right?

Last edited by sean : 17-06-2006 at 21:24.
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