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Unread 27-02-2014, 00:51   #10
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: ar an traein
Posts: 602

A brief point with reference to the longer term issue about the station as a whole mentioned in the IÉ quotation:

Any ultimate relocation of Waterford Plunkett station, would need to be mitigated by at least one appropriate measure to compensate for the increased physical distance between the station and city/central business district.

For instance,

Locating it at Sallypark would necessitate a dedicated bus link between the station and city.

Locating it east of the existing station would perhaps lend to the possibility of a pedestrian and cycleway bridge across the river.

There is the ultimate possibility of razing the entire current station and running the track to Belview and Rosslare through the site furthest away from the Mount Misery rockface. Hopefully such a draconian measure would not be needed. As an aside the red-brick eastern part of the station is possibly a protected structure.
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