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Unread 27-02-2014, 00:21   #12
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: ar an traein
Posts: 602

Just a thought... how many jobs, even temporary year-long contracts could be created with the hundreds of thousands of euro that livery changes cost? Could these jobs yield more in the way of bettering the customer experience and bringing in money than a livery? More than likely yes if focusing on the right things. And how many millions has the state imparted with over the years for various rebrandings that at the end of the day matter little to everyday customers/clients if there is insufficient change for the better in the organisations.

Not singling IÉ out here or wishing to detract from the foregoing informed debate about liveries but just making a general observation and putting perspective on its relative unimportance given the much more serious issues of our times.

Last edited by Traincustomer : 27-02-2014 at 00:25.
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