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Unread 06-02-2014, 17:35   #1
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Default New Responsive Website
Take a sneak peek at our New Responsive Website

06 February 2014

Iarnród Éireann is delighted to give you a sneak peek at our New Responsive Website.

We are not completely finished but please feel free to browse around by clicking on the above link. If you experience any issues or have any comments then please provide us with your feedback!

Register Your Feedback

Please note the responsive booking section is still under development and will be available next week. Any customers looking to make a booking will be directed to the current e-commerce section.

All of the information that is currently on our website will still be there. But now it will be even easier to browse our site on mobile and tablet screens. So whether you’re on your PC to check fares, your tablet to find train times, or on your mobile to make a booking, you’ll be able to access whatever you want on whatever device you’re using.
The Website:

Last edited by Jamie2k9 : 06-02-2014 at 17:38.
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