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Unread 25-11-2013, 01:12   #1
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Default No services between Pearse and Dún Laoghaire 30 Nov-1 Dec

Seen a notice up about this in Connolly tonight, should be worth a mention if like me you are planning on using the train next weekend

On Saturday 30th November and Sunday 1st December there will be no rail services between Pearse and Dún Laoghaire stations due to major engineering works.

DART services will operate as follows;

Dún Laoghaire to/from Bray or Greystones
Pearse to/from Howth or Malahide
The following DART stations will be closed;

Grand Canal Dock, Lansdowne Road, Sandymount, Sydney Parade, Booterstown, Blackrock, Seapoint, and Salthill & Monkstown.
Dublin Bus will accept all valid rail tickets on scheduled services between closed DART stations and the City Centre.

Rosslare services will operate to/from Bray only, bus transfers will operate between Connolly and Bray. Buses will depart Connolly at the regular train departure time.

Iarnród Éireann apologises for any inconvenience caused.
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