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Unread 29-10-2013, 23:22   #1
Colm Moore
Local Liaison Officer
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Default [9-10/11/2013] Limerick-Ennis - Bus Transfers - Engineering Works
Upcoming Service Alterations: Bus Transfers between Limerick and Ennis over the next 2 weekends

16 October 2013

Due to engineering works between Limerick and Ennis over the next 2 weekends, the following service alterations will take place:
Saturday 2nd & 9th November;

* 10:30hrs Galway to Limerick will operate to Ennis only with an onward bus transfer to Sixmilebridge and Limerick.
* 11:40hrs Limerick Jct. to Ennis will operate to Limerick only with bus transfers to Sixemilebridge and Ennis.
* 13:25hrs Ennis to Limerick will be substituted by a bus transfer.
* 13:40hrs Limerick Jct. to Galway will operate to Limerick only with a bus transfer to Ennis and a second train from Ennis to Galway. There will be no stop in Sixmilebridge.
* 13:45hrs Galway to Limerick Jct. will operate to Ennis only with an onward bus transfer to Limerick and a second train from Limerick to Limerick Jct.. There will be no stop in Sixmilebridge.
* 15:40hrs Limerick Jct. to Ennis will operate to Limerick only with bus transfers to Sixemilebridge and Ennis.
* 17:20hrs Ennis to Limerick will be substituted by a bus transfer.
* 17:50hrs Galway to Limerick Jct. will operate to Ennis only with an onward bus transfer to Limerick and a second train from Limerick to Limerick Jct.. There will be no stop in Sixmilebridge.
* 18:00hrs Limerick to Galway will be a bus transfer from Limerick to Ennis and onward train connection from Ennis to Galway.
* 19:38hrs Limerick Jct. to Ennis will operate to Limerick only with a bus transfer to Ennis.
* 19:45hrs Limerick to Galway will be a bus transfer from Limerick to Ennis and onward train connection from Ennis to Galway.
* 21:10hrs Ennis to Limerick will be substituted by a bus transfer.

Sunday 3rd & 10th November

* 06:50hrs Limerick to Ennis will be substituted by a bus transfer and will not serve Sixmilebridge.
* 07:40hrs Limerick to Ennis will be substituted by a bus transfer and will not serve Sixmilebridge.
* 08:30hrs Galway to Limerick will operate to Ennis only with an onward bus transfer to Sixmilebridge and Limerick.
* 09:00hrs Limerick to Galway will be a bus transfer from Limerick to Ennis and onward train connection from Ennis to Galway. There will be no stop in Sixmilebridge.
* 10:50hrs Limerick to Ennis will be substituted by a bus transfer and will not serve Sixmilebridge.
* 11:35hrs Ennis to Limerick will be substituted by a bus transfer.
* 11:40hrs Limerick Jct. to Galway will operate to Limerick only with a bus transfer to Ennis and a second train from Ennis to Galway.
* 11:55hrs Galway to Limerick Jct. will operate to Ennis only with an onward bus transfer to Limerick and a second train from Limerick to Limerick Jct..
* 14:10hrs Limerick to Ennis will be substituted by a bus transfer.
* 15:15hrs Ennis to Limerick will be substituted by a bus transfer.
* 15:55hrs Limerick to Galway will be a bus transfer from Limerick to Ennis and onward train connection from Ennis to Galway. There will be no stop in Sixmilebridge
* 16:10hrs Galway to Limerick will operate to Ennis only with an onward bus transfer to Sixmilebridge and Limerick.
* 18:15hrs Limerick to Galway will be a bus transfer from Limerick and Sixmilebridge to Ennis and onward train connection from Ennis to Galway.
* 18:30hrs Galway to Limerick will operate to Ennis only with an onward bus transfer to Sixmilebridge and Limerick.
* 19:00hrs Ennis to Limerick Jct. will be a bus transfer from Ennis to Limerick and an onward train connection from Limerick to Limerick Jct.
* 20:50hrs Limerick to Ennis will be substituted by a bus transfer.
* 21:40hrs Ennis to Limerick will be substituted by a bus transfer and will not serve Sixmilebridge.

Please note that a 10/15 minute delay may occur due to these alterations.

Iarnród Éireann apologises for any inconvenience caused.
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