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Unread 14-06-2006, 11:27   #63
Thomas J Stamp
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Join Date: Dec 2005
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But you mention subsidies. Why bother at all then? If you are tendering out timeslots, presumably it follows that they are the same timeslots, so again, why bother?

I perosnaly feel a lot of your agruments are valid and they could be put into practise, however, would you please familiarise yourself with the board. You asked about timeslots, the technical lads have pointed out (look at the Monesterevin thread) how bad the timeslots situation is. You asked before if we're all engineers, lots of us are, others arent, some work in transport, others have either a qualification in it (mines in transport managment before I turned to law, and I do a lot of planinng and development work as well) which you could easily find out if you read the boards. to give another example, what rolling stock will competitors use, ie are cutting all their surplus ones up, I posted that myself.

Most of us here adopt a realistic, hopefully objective critical anylisis of the current situation and make sugegstions for the future which ahev to be also relalitic. I belive partial privitisation will be benificial, route tendering the way to go and I belive that based on my knowledge of the physical realities of the situation and most of thast I got from personal experiance and reading the boards.

Edit: Paul, you posted as I was typing, please leave this post in public, ta.
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