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Unread 14-06-2006, 11:10   #61
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Posts: 69

Vis a Vis red tape, it is just as burdensome for airlines and they get around it.

The simple act of a company having to tender to operate a route would mean introduce a lot of savings. I.E. could do the same job with a less than half the staff without any change in safety. They won't pension off these people until they have to.

Are you saying that the tracks are being used to their limit ? If so , then redo the timetable from scratch and increase the number of services.

please don't compare ireland with england again . it doesn't make sense to . The airtravel industry was miniscule till some competition was brought in so the numbers would have looked the same.

In any event the size of the market is irrelevent because of the subsidy. The governement decides which routes and services it will pay for , and someone else does it. Franchising routes in toto turned out to be worse than what we have.

Anybody ?
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