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Unread 14-06-2006, 10:41   #58
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Originally Posted by colmd
If you click on the NRA's website and look up road schemes under construction
and follow the link to the corpo's website
the last update states that the tunnel should be open in late autumn 2005.
It is late, by anyone's standards. the above ground road works are definitely late.
You'll note that i said it was on budget not on time !

Originally Posted by colmd
If you want competing operators on the same infrastructure, You'll need regulation to organise this. particularily on loss making routes. I'm saying Ireland's record on regulators is poor. As others have said Ireland is too small for this really.
Yes we would need regulation. I don't believe ireland is too small , because no examination has been done. In any event ireland wasn't too small to build the whole network in the first place, so i think that argument is nonsense.

So far i have seen no reason that cannot be overcome. It would slash prices , and very possibly turn some loss making routes into profit making route.
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