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Unread 14-06-2006, 09:51   #57
Thomas J Stamp
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This is good stuff....... but i think it should now be a thread of its own.

Historicly all of the railways were seperate companies, whcih is why we have seperate terminals in the city and an ugly monstrosity called the loop line bridge. There should be no reason why there shouldnt be tendering out of entire routes it ought to work, fairly easy when there is quad tracking out of heuston.

IE managment and its unions are caught in a vicious little dance with each other and the result of which is self serving managment practices. Yes, I advocate getting a Willie Walsh in there, he was an ex-aer lingus pilot, dont forget, so the chances of getting an ex-driver to modernise the comnpany are no hope or bob hope, and bob's just left town. A michael o'leary wouldnt work.

Interestingly enough, WDPS, there's a timely programme on BB2 on Tuesday nights caleld Tory, Tory, Tory, where it is now admitted by Keith Joseph and John Hakkett that the plan in 1979 was to shed jobs which were being subsidisted, ie coal, steel, cars. Funny enough, BR was never even mentioned, even Maggie never went that far!!!
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