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Unread 18-09-2013, 11:40   #56
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Originally Posted by Thomas J Stamp View Post
you seem to have a real hang up with that "fun" word. I am not sure by which former chairman you mean, so I will guess its Derek. The thing is, even I, a much cooler and more detatched sort of chap than Derek was, have personally experianced this sort of stuff. Instead of personalities, maybe its the context. In 10 years we have gone from being suspected of being a front for ILDA to having regular meetings with IE managers and having our input recognised and doing things in partnership with IE. Things like input into the timetable (before the general public does) and RUI members being the first to use the IE smartcard on testing runs.

But it is only honest to mention that in that time a lot of the old managers in IE have moved on too, people who wouldnt recognise any form of passeger representation group and who even went as far as to try to set up "local rail groups" who were all closed down when they got a bit too honest and vocal.

We now find that the managment in IE are more focused on passengers and the commercial realities that the company now exists in. Heretofore it was meeting lifers who knew that even if nobody was on a service that it would run at the same time, with the same staff, and the same stock, as it always did. That said, it is not perfect, and some of the things which happen are annoying. We will hear of frozen points in the coming winter season because they havent put in point heaters. We will hear of heating not working in trains, of blocked toilets, of non existant staff when things go wrong, of the PIS not working, showing the wrong train, showing the wrong direction. Of late trains, of no announcements regarding refunds, of cancelled trains without notice.

Sure, its maybe small stuff to what we were looking at when formed, and sure, there will always be the rumours going about on closing lines and such like, but they are all important. It only takes ones straw to break the camels back and that lost passenger will not only not return but he/she will waste no time telling their family/friends why.
I meant the Chairman of CIE and not RUI - Dr Lynch. I was referring to my experiences with people in the operating companies. He was the only individual that I have come across (albeit indirectly) as aggressive.

I do have a hang-up with the "fun" word yes - because the context in which it was used makes it look as if you're on an ego trip rather than actually genuinely trying to get things fixed in a constructive way.

Call me old fashioned, but I don't think that there's a need for that sort of language or attitude, as it really sounds unprofessional and does not become a group that is supposed to be a representative organisation.

I take on board the rest of your points - very constructively put!

Last edited by berneyarms : 18-09-2013 at 11:45.
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