Originally Posted by berneyarms
Well all I can again say is that I've never experienced or indeed heard any of that (other than hearing the former Chairman) over my 20 years being in contact in the various organisations, but again maybe that's down to personalities on either side.
My real point was that firstly that I felt that an official spokesperson of a user group looks rather childish if he expresses the view in public that he views it as "fun" to catch out organisations - I think that just makes the organisation look daft!! The second point was that more (I would think) would be gained from focussing on the DARTs with capacity issues and addressing that, rather than wasting time with the NTA on changeovers at Connolly that may not have any capacity issues in the first place!!
I think that there's a bit of exaggeration going on here. There are hardly "daily" failures.
There was one particular day in July when everything that could go wrong on a railway, when a fatality, breakdown and signalling failure all happened on the same day - that frankly was highly unusual. I would add that does not excuse the poor handling of the situation, which was shambolic to say the least.
There was the recent failure two weeks ago which blocked the line at Hazelhatch. Again that was unfortunate.
Those combined with the train failing yesterday are unfortunate, but it is hardly the case that the trains are failing every day. I'm not sure there is a transport company anywhere (be it a bus, train or airline) that doesn't experience some disruption due to technical issues at some stage - no it shouldn't happen, but last time I checked we don't live in some artificial utopia of perfection either.
Unfortunate is no use when you are a regular commuter and you are try to get in and out to/from work on time. I am referring to breakdowns, signalling failures, and trains running late. A train running up to 10mins. late is apparently ontime according to IR. Oh and today there was ANOTHER signalling failure on the Cork line, one of work colleagues who commutes from Thurles arrived late for work today - disruptions are quite common.