I think they make these numbers up just for the fun.
15 minutes, really? So when every northbound train from Blackrock to Greystones is backlogged behind the one in front which is crawling through Merrion Gates there's no additional delay building over the morning? And then when they clear Merrion Gates (or the level crossing at Landsdowne) and have a clear run through the city and further north they are still 15 minutes delayed?
Why don't the platform announcements provide a little more useful announcement like "the next northbound train will arrive at this station in approximately 7 minutes, the next southbound train will arrive in approximately 27 minutes but this may be subject to further delay"
While I'm at it - the guys working on Merrion Gates seemed quite oblivious to the traffic mayhem they caused yesterday morning. I know they were operating safely and I'm not suggesting that they endanger anyone, but they let a long stream of trains through at about 0820 - it felt like the barriers were down for at least 15 minutes. I cycled along the coast towards Sandymount & Irishtown and the traffic was still backed up to Gilford Avenue 5 or more minutes after the barriers rose. This was non-peak flows. I wouldn't like to see how far the traffic was backed up towards Blackrock. Given that they had a manual barrier in place it would have made sense to keep the traffic & trains flowing more or less as normal during the peak and then start the heavy work once the peak had dropped off.